The RecoverPoint self-service portal is a utility for service providers to enable tenants to use RecoverPoint functionality in a secured manner that won't allow tenants to use VMs that do not belong to them.
It can connect to multiple RecoverPoint for Virtual Machines clusters and uses a MySQL database to assign VM per tenant. Each tenant can view the status of his VMs after login and do RP4VM operations with the portal. All activities are audited.
RPSP is deployed as a standalone jar and can be ran as a windows service (using nssm) or linux deamon. A standalone web-container exposes REST services and an AngularJS client for tenants.
Database holds information about
- RP4VM connectivity
- Packages information (packages are the settings for RP4VM actions, e.g., ESXi, datastore)
- VM ownership
- Accounts and users
- Tenants activity
All operations are done through RP4VM REST API.
It is possible to build a docker from this project. After building the project, in the project root directory
To build the docker which is based on the java8 docker, run the command docker build -t rpsp .
(use sudo
if you are on a linux environment)
After that you can run the docker using:
sudo docker run --name rpsp -e DB_URL=jdbc:mysql:// -e DB_USER=rpsp -e DB_PASSWORD=rpsp -p 9999:8080 -d rpsp
Alternatively you can simply run RPSP from dockerhub using
sudo docker run --name rpsp -e DB_URL=jdbc:mysql:// -e DB_USER=rpsp -e DB_PASSWORD=rpsp -p 9999:8080 -d shpboris/rpsp
Notice you need to define the environment variables to connect to the database RPSP will be using.
- The jdbc URL
- User to connect to database
- User password to connect to database
- Java ver 1.8 and above
- 100 MB of available disk space
- Connectivity to all RecoverPoint for Virtual Machines systems
- Open port (default 8080) on machine where RPSP is deployed
Download the RPSP code from GIT
Set database assosiation: RPSP comes out of the box using H2 embedded file system database so it does not require any settings changed.
However, if you like to work with other database, you can change the configuration under
You can see example of MySQL connection undersrc/main/resources/config/application-dev.yml
. Notice the drivers that are bundled are for mysql and H2 - add to pom.xml drivers if needed.You need to set up two schemas on your database, one for RPSP data (tenants, users, RP4VM systems, etc.) and another for the audit log.
Compile and package RPSP using maven, using command:
mvn package
Run Application class from the WAR file using the command
java -jar rpsp.1.0.SNAPSHOT.war
4.1. if you want to run in embedded DB mode use the profiletest
when running:java -jar rpsp.1.0.SNAPSHOT.war
You can also deploy the WAR on your own web-container (tomcat/etc.)
It is recommended to configure RPSP to run as a Windows Service as explained in this guide:
After running the app make sure that accessing the port brings a login screen. The initial account/user/password to work with are: system/admin/123.
Replace localhost:9999 with the host you are running on
You can login using POST action on http://localhost:9999/rpsp/login-action
with headers Content-Type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded
and body:
After logging in, in order to add your first RP system and its relevant data, a support REST API was created
GET /rpsp/internal-data/template
There is a template for an array of RP system configurations. The answer you get should be similar to the json below.
Edit the system IP, user, password, isDrttc fields in the systems section.
Edit the packages section according to the instructions below.
Add tenants and user accordingly
After the json is ready, use
POST /rpsp/internal-data
with the json body to submit the configuration to the RPSP system.{ "systems": [ { "name": "Test_System", "user": "admin", ////SHOULD BE EDITED "password": "admin", ////SHOULD BE EDITED "isDrttc": true, ////SHOULD BE EDITED "ip": "", ////SHOULD BE EDITED "isMultiTenanctEnabled": false, "testResult": true, "lastTested": 1451236381000, "lastCollected": null, "systemVersion": "4.3(c_adwance.0)", "id": 1, "clusters": [ { "country": null, "clusterId": 3794617345752338000, "clusterName": "bdg-stgA4rpCLS02", "friendlyName": "London" }, { "country": null, "clusterId": 2398086092600946000, "clusterName": "bdg-stgA2rpCLS01", "friendlyName": "New York" } ] } ], "packages": [ { "systemName": "Test_System", "name": "Spring_Gold", "displayName": "Gold", "description": "Gold package description", "rpo": 15, ////SHOULD BE EDITED "sourceClusterId": 2398086092600946265, ////SHOULD BE EDITED "sourceVcId": "3E5FB03D-44F1-4557-B05E-60B4B1A60242", ////SHOULD BE EDITED "sourceDataCenterId": "datacenter-2", ////SHOULD BE EDITED "sourceEsxClusterId": "3E5FB03D-44F1-4557-B05E-60B4B1A60242:c7", ////SHOULD BE EDITED "sourceEsxId": "421cab79-9ffb-32d1-8b54-1288409617c0", ////SHOULD BE EDITED "sourceDatastoreId": "datastore-45", ////SHOULD BE EDITED "targetClusterId": 3794617345752337726, ////SHOULD BE EDITED "targetVcId": "70EBB7BE-CA55-4D1A-A29A-FE51A41827DE", ////SHOULD BE EDITED "targetDataCenterId": "datacenter-2", ////SHOULD BE EDITED "targetEsxClusterId": "70EBB7BE-CA55-4D1A-A29A-FE51A41827DE:c7", ////SHOULD BE EDITED "targetEsxId": "421c9554-f330-eda3-2b81-8f5dea2f4db2", ////SHOULD BE EDITED "targetDatastoreId": "datastore-30", ////SHOULD BE EDITED "testNetworkId": "Test Network" } ], "tenants": [ { "name": "28652", "label": "Springfield bank", "packageNames": [ "Spring_Gold", "Spring_Silver" ] } ], "users": [ { "tenantName": "28652", "login": "john.smith@28652", "password": "12345", "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Smith", "email": null, "fullName": "John Smith" } ], "vms": [ { "tenantName": "28652", "vmId": "rekfjhreijf", "vmName": "vm-1" } ] }
Each RP system as its clusters and its accounts.
Each account has a list of all its virtual machines registered as their vSphere ID when using DR in the cloud template.
When a RP system is set as DR to the cloud the available virtual machines for replication are found using the RP4VM REST API.
The clusters' ids can be found using:
https://{RPSYSTEM IP}:7225/fapi/rest/4_1/system/virtual_infrastructures/state
vCenter ID, ESXi ID, etc. can be found using:
https://{RPSYSTEM IP}:7225/fapi/rest/4_3/clusters/1948638374096422771/virtual_infra_configuration
- You can get the vmId from vSphere client or from fapi full system settings using
https://{RPSYSTEM IP}:7225/fapi/rest/4_3/settings
Other than that, each account should have a list of users to do operations, and a configuration for default protection ESX and datastore.
To access RPSP either AngularJS client or the REST API can be used
The RPSP Web client can be accessed in: http://hostname:9999/rpsp (9999 is the default port)
The following methods are supported in the RPSP REST API, with base being http://hostname:port/rpsp
RP systems API (admin permissions only)
GET /rest/systems
Get list of all RP4VM systems installed. Optional query parameter includeVirtualConfig is supported to return virtual configuration information for each cluster. Possible values are true or false - default is false. -
GET /rest/systems/{id}
Get specific RP4VM system. Optional query parameter includeVirtualConfig is supported to return virtual configuration information for each cluster. Possible values are true or false - default is false. -
GET /rest/testSystem/{id}
Test connectivity to system with specific ID -
POST /rest/addSystem
Add RP4VM system with JSON structure`{ "ip": "", "user": "admin", "password": "password" }`
The return value is all the systems with connectivity status and list of clusters found in the RP4VM system.
PUT /rest/updateClusterForSystem/{id}
Update cluster settings under specific system (id){ "country":"Country Cluster reside in, for logical purposes", "clusterId":"The cluster to update", "clusterName":"Real cluster name from RP4VM", "friendlyName":"Cluster friendly name to appear on RPSP GUI" }
Accounts API (admin permissions only)
GET /accounts
Get all accountsGET /accounts?systemId=”your-system-id”
Get accounts related to specific systemGET /accounts/{id}
Get specific accountPOST /accounts?systemId=”your-system-id”
Create account under specific systemPOST /accounts/{id}
Update specific accountDELETE /accounts/{id}
Delete specific account
Users API (admin permissions only)
GET /users
Get all usersGET /users?accountId =”your-account-id”
Get users related to specific accountGET /users/{id}
Get specific userPOST /users?accountId =”your-account-id”
Create user under specific account{ "vmId": "50050edd-9ab2-c72b-f82f-9a0ef42e9774", "vmName": "SB Reporting services VM" }
POST /users/{id}
Update specific userDELETE /users/{id}
Delete specific user
VMs API (admin permissions only)
GET /vmownership
Get all vmsGET /vmownership?accountId =”your-account-id”
Get vms related to specific accountGET /vmownership/{id}
Get specific vmPOST /vmownership?accountId =”your-account-id”
Create vm under specific accountPOST /vmownership/{id}
Update specific vmDELETE /vmownership/{id}
Delete specific vm
Internal data API (admin permissions only)
GET /internal-data/template
Get RPSP full configuration template. The response body serves as example of which data should be sent to configure RPSP in a single REST call.POST /internal-data
Configures RPSP in a single REST call. The body structure should be the same as return from /internal-data/template.GET /internal-data
Returns the current RPSP configuration.
Virtual configuration API (admin permissions only)
GET /virtualconfig/clusters/{id}
Get virtual configuration for the cluster specified by cluster id.
User actions
POST /login-action
Login with user Headers:Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Body example:username=user@account&password=xxxx
POST /logout-action
Logout -
GET /account-vms
- Full VMs hierarchy data restricted by logged in user and his related account info (protected\unprotected\cg etc) -
PUT /groups/{groupId}/clusters/{clusterId}/copies/{copyId}/image-access/enable-latest
- Enable image access to latest image -
PUT /groups/{groupId}/clusters/{clusterId}/copies/{copyId}/image-access/enable
- Enable image access to specific bookmark or specific snapshot that is identified by the following properties in HTTP body:{ "snapshotId": 86726505317, "timestamp": 1439908537855236 }
PUT /group-sets/{groupSetId}/clusters/{clusterId}/image-access/enable
- Enable image access to specific bookmark or specific snapshot for all the groups in a groupset for specific cluster. Bookmark or snapshot is identified by the following properties in HTTP body:{ "snapshotId": 86726505317, "timestamp": 1439908537855236 }
PUT /groups/{groupId}/clusters/{clusterId}/copies/{copyId}/image-access/disable
- Disables the image image access to specific copyPUT /group-sets/{groupSetId}/clusters/{clusterId}/image-access/disable
- Disables the image image access to specific groupset in a cluster
POST /groups/{groupId}/bookmarks
- Creates a bookmark for the specific group. Name of the bookamrk and its consistency type are passed in HTTP body.{ "name": "Bookmark_A", "consistencyType": "app-consistency" }
POST /groups-sets/{group-set-id}/bookmarks
- Creates a bookmark for the specific group set. Name of the bookamrk and its consistency type are passed in HTTP body.{ "name": "Bookmark_B", "consistencyType":"crash-consistency" }
POST /groups
- Creates a consistency group with specified vms. The following values are passed in the HTTP body - the name of the CG, its VMs, enable replication parameter and service package.{ "groupName": "group_A", "vms": ["502ffe14-9b74-cb6c-8485-8f6e5cd66b94"], "enableReplication": true, "packageId": 13 }
POST /groups/{groupId}/vms
- Adds VM to the specific consistency group that is identified by {groupId}. The following values are passed in the HTTP body - the id of the VM,its name, its order in the boot sequence (sequenceNumber) and if it is critical or not.{ "id": "5005e38f-efe0-5e16-f1bc-eac6ba19f503", "name": "vm-1", "isCritical": true, "sequenceNumber": 3 }
DELETE /groups/{groupId}/vms/{vm-id}
- Removes VM that is identified by {vm-id} from group that is identified by {groupId}. -
PUT /groups/{groupId}/clusters/{clusterId}/copies/{copyId}/failover
- Executes a failover for group that is identified by {groupId} to the specified cluster and copy. -
PUT /group-sets/{group-set-id}/clusters/{clusterId}/failover
- Executes a failover for group set that is identified by {group-set-id} in the specified cluster. -
PUT /groups/{groupId}/clusters/{clusterId}/copies/{copyId}/recover-production
- Executes recover production for group that is identified by {groupId} to the specified cluster and copy. -
PUT /group-sets/{group-set-id}/clusters/{clusterId}/recover-production
- Executes recover production for group set that is identified by {group-set-id} in the specified cluster. -
GET app/audit/log?page={page}&pageSize={pageSize}
- Get RPSP actions audit log for current tenant based on page and pageSize parameters
In order to start working on a development environment we will install and configure the following applications.
Download the following:
All of the installations are pretty much simple -> next -> next till finish.
- Create c:\Dev on your dev machine
- Install Java (Default install – Next -> Next etc. . .)
- Unzip Maven to c:\Dev (this will create C:\Dev\apache-maven-3.3.9)
- Install Git (Default install – Next -> Next etc. . .)
- Install IntelliJ Ultimate
- Install mysql
Define ENV Variables
- JAVA_HOME – with path to installed java JDK (C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_91)
- Define M2_HOME - C:\Dev\apache-maven-3.3.9
- Edit path variable and make sure %JAVA_HOME%\bin, %M2_HOME%\bin and C:\Program Files\Git\cmd are defined.
Verification for installations:
- Open cmd window
- Run java and check java is defined
- Run mvn and check maven is defined
- Run git and check git is defined
Create directory projects - C:\Dev\projects
Login to github with your github account and copy the repository address ( In cmd window - Cd to C:\Dev\projects
- Run git clone
- Run mvn package
- Open MySQL workbench
- Create schema rpsp with utf8 default collation
- Create schema rpspaudit with utf8 default collation
- Under Users and privileges, Create account rpsp with password rpsp with limit host of %
- Create account rpsp with password rpsp with limit host of localhost
- Add all privileges for both users to both of the schemas.
- Open IntelliJ
- Import project -> locate file under C:\Dev\projects\RPSP\pom.xml and wait for it to finish.
###CONTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS Create a fork of the project into your own repository. Make all your necessary changes and create a pull request with a description on what was added or removed and details explaining the changes in lines of code. If approved, project owners will merge it.
- JAVA + maven
- Spring
- Spring-boot
- Hibernate + MySQL database
- retrofit (REST API consumption)
- jackson (json serialization)
- logback (logger)
- AngularJS + Bootstrap
- angular-translate
- jQuery
The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2015, Daniel Moran & Boris Shpilyuck
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
###SUPPORT Please file bugs and issues at the Github issues page. For more general discussions you can contact the EMC Code team at Google Groups or tagged with EMC on The code and documentation are released with no warranties or SLAs and are intended to be supported through a community driven process.