Care to buy me a coffee?
Edit your splits and change the game name to "Resident Evil 7". A message should pop up saying an autosplitter by me is available. Click "Activate".
After activating the RE7 autosplitter, click "Settings". Place a checkmark next to every split you want to use.
Afterwards, create your splits. Name them anything you want (just make sure they correspond with a checkmarked autosplit). Order them however you'd like.
Make sure you compare against Game Time.
Any problems? Reach out to me.
Great, reach out to me through the RE7 Speedrunning discord, and I'll see what I can do.
Make sure you have the split checkmarked as explained above. If that doesn't work, or if a split of yours split at the wrong time, contact me.
Psarthex, zgl, qvaku, and DarkRageGames for helping me aquire the Cero D version