Live Demo 👉 Calculator
This was the final project the Calculator assignment on the foundation course of The Odin Project. I have combind everything I've learned so far. Using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS I have created an on-screen calculator.
- none
- Function for each math operator
- Operator function that takes an operator and calls one of the previous functions
- Display with button for each digit, operation function, "plus" "divide" "equals"
- Functions to populate display
- String multiple operations together (12 + 7 - 5 * 3 = 42)
- Do not evaluate more than one pair of numbers at a time
- Round long decimal numbers to avoid overflow
- 'Clear' button should wipe all existing data
- Error message for divide-by-zero
- (+) Decimal button for floating point numbers
- (+) Different colors for operation and number buttons
- (+) 'Backspace' button for wrong entries
- (+) Keyboard support
- Users can get floating point numbers if they do the math required to get one, but they can’t type them in yet. Add a . button and let users input decimals!
- Make it look nice! This is a great project to practice your CSS skills
- Add a “backspace” button, so the user can undo if they click the wrong number
- Add keyboard support!
Rozla-Dev 00-00-2023