A simple implementation of Blockchain writen in python, using silme you can generate new blocks (pow sha256) and create transactions, node is not implemented yet so the new transactions and blocks cant be broadcasted to other peers
You can contribute to silme, simple open a pull request
- Implement auth to rpc serer (user, password)
- Fix GetNextWorkRequired https://github.com/cvsae/silme/commit/bf8771aa4df446f565e74be68889cea37925790f
- Implement p2p Networking(Node)
git clone https://github.com/cvsae/silme
cd silme
sudo pip install -r silme_req.txt
cd silme
Silme supports rpc commands
./silmed start - Start rpc server
./silmed stop - Stop rpc server
./silmed help - Get a list of the available commands
Start Mining using the start button in mining section, when you will find a vailid block you will credit the coinbase transaction value, to stop mining click the stop button in mining section, alternative for testing purposes you can use ./miner -d 1 to enable miining with debug results should be
[*] Working on block: 2
[*] Target: 110427836236357352041769395878404723568785424659630784333489133269811200
[*] Difficulty: 0
[*] Required hashes: 0
[*] Prev hash: 000009cb25c348b85b01819c52402adea224580263fbe9b915be8502c5220f82
Send coin section take 2 arguments, first to: the recipten pubkey and and second anount: the amount wich you want to sent to argument 1 pubkey
CKey().MakeNewKey() # Generate a new private key
CKey().GetPubKey(priv) # Get pubkey of the given private key
CKey().GetAddress(pubkey) # Get address of the given pubkey
CWalletDB().WriteKey(key, pubkey) # Write a private key and their pubkey to wallet db
CWalletDB().IsMineKey(pubkey) # Return True if the give pubkey is in wallet
CWalletDB().GetMyAddresses() # Return a list of addresses from our wallet
CWalletDB().GetBalance() # Return wallet balance
CWalletDB().FindHash(amount) # Return a tx hash to use as input for a new transaction, tx hash must have the specified amount
CWalletDB().FindAddrFromHash(txhash) # Return the private key asociated with txhash
CWalletDB().GenerateTransaction(amount, recipten) # Generate a new transaction
CBlockIndex() # Return info of the give blockhash or height
CBlockIndex(@HashOrHeight).Version() # Return @HashOrHeight version
CBlockIndex(@HashOrHeight).Prev() # Return @HashOrHeight previous block hash
CBlockIndex(@HashOrHeight).Merkle() # Return @HashOrHeight merkle root
CBlockIndex(@HashOrHeight).Time() # Return @HashOrHeight time
CBlockIndex(@HashOrHeight).Bits() # Return @HashOrHeight bits
CBlockIndex(@HashOrHeight).Nonce() # Return @HashOrHeight nonce
CTxIndex() # Return info of the give transaction hash
CTxIndex(@tx_hash).Height() # Return the height of block of the give tx_hash
CTxIndex(@tx_hash).Version() # Return @tx_hash version
CTxIndex(@tx_hash).Time() # Return @tx_hash time
CTxIndex(@tx_hash).Value() # Return @tx_hash value
CTxIndex(@tx_hash).InputScript() # Return @tx_hash input_script
CTxIndex(@tx_hash).OutputScript() # Return @tx_hash output_script
CBlockchainDB() # Return info about blockchain
CBlockchainDB().getBestHeight() # Return the best height in the blockchain
CBlockchainDB().GetBestHash() # Return the best hash in the blockchain
CBlockchainDB().haveHash(@hash) # Return True if the give hash already exists False if not