A toy FEM solver written in C++20.
- Ability to solve 3D problems.
- Multiple elements:
- Truss
- Beam
- Constant Strain/Stress Triangle
- Quad4
- More...
- Multiple materials:
- Linear elastic
- More...
├──LibTrussDocument: Parser for parsing truss documents.
├──LibTrussSolver: The implementation of the solver.
├──TrussCLI: An executable program for loading truss document files and solving for the result.
└──Tools: Some useful tools.(Input file converter, Post-processing python scripts, etc.)
- Eigen: Liner algebra library. (vcpkg)
- magic_enum: Useful library for enum. (vcpkg)
- Catch2: For unit testing. (vcpkg)
- backward-cpp: For printing stack trace. (CMake FetchContent)
In progress...
Check out the files in the TrussCLI/example_truss directory.
MPL-2.0 license.