Example credential management. Needs work to be made generic.
Interacts with Google APIs to download credentials.
Authenticate with Google and download a Google OAUTH2 token to the .credentials-cli-auth file. You should keep this token safe, and treat it as a password:
credentials-cli -A
Outputs a URL which should be loaded into a web browser on the same host. Follow prompts to complete authentication:
List credentials you own:
credentials-cli -L
Show what formats are available:
credentials-cli -F CRED-NAME
Downloads a credential. VPN creds are stored as a set of .ovpn configuration files. Web creds are stored as a .p12 file. The P12 file password is shown on stdout:
credentials-cli -D CRED-NAME
Save as PEM:
credentials-cli -D CRED-NAME -f pem
If cred is a web cred or VPN cred, save as a bundle of PEMs instead of a P12 or OpenVPN configuration file.
Save as .mobileconfig which configures a MacOS or iOS device for IPsec VPN:
credentials-cli -D CRED-NAME -f mobileconfig-ipsec
Save as .mobileconfig which configures an iOS device for OpenVPN. Only tested with OpenVPN Connect on iPad:
credentials-cli -D CRED-NAME -f mobileconfig-ovpn
Save as .mobileconfig which configures an iOS with web credentials:
credentials-cli -D CRED-NAME -f mobileconfig
Save as .sswan which configures an Android device for StrongSwan.
credentials-cli -D CRED-NAME -f sswan
Save as a bunch of StrongSwan configuration files which can be used to configure StrongSwan natively. Use this for Linux.
credentials-cli -D CRED-NAME -f sswan-basic
If you're working with a service account, the JSON key file can be specified with the -k option:
credentials-cli -L -k JSON-KEY-FILE
credentials-cli -D CRED-NAME -k JSON-KEY-FILE
If you're creating a mobileconfig file, you can sign it with a signing key/cert:
credentials-cli -D CRED-NAME -f mobileconfig -S -C signing.crt -K signing.pem
credentials-cli -D CRED-NAME -f mobileconfig-ipsec -S -C signing.crt -K signing.pem
While you're enjoying the command-line experience, did you know you can add a VPN profile on MacOS thus:
sudo profiles -I -U mark -f -F mark-mac.mobileconfig
and list profiles:
profiles -L
and remove a profile:
sudo profiles -U mark -D mark-mac.device.local -f
On MacOS you can also import a P12 file into the keychain:
security import web-cert.p12 -P my-p12-password
credentials-cli --create-vpn -u user@example.com -i bunchy-mac
credentials-cli --create-web -u user@example.com -i 'User Smith (ABC)'
credentials-cli --revoke-vpn -u user@example.com -i bunchy-mac
credentials-cli --revoke-web -u user@example.com -i 'User Smith (ABC)'
credentials-cli --revoke-all -u user@example.com