Scrape incoming emails and store them in a database, then present the relevant fields on a web page upon request.
Google App Engine project with Clojure and Leiningen.
The following requires Leiningen to be installed as well as the Google App Engine SDK. You will need to edit the project.clj file to indicate the version number of the App Engine SDK as well as the path where it is installed.
After that, you can run:
$ lein deps
$ lein compile
$ lein gae start # Starts the development appserver
$ lein gae stop # Stops the development appserver
$ lein test # Starts the dev server, runs the end-to-end Selenium tests, and stops the server.
# For this you also need to add the Firefox binary to your PATH
# E.g., $> export PATH=$PATH:/Applications/
The shell scripts that start and stop the server currently presuppose some flavor of UNIX, and have only been tested on OS X.
Use "lein test" only for running the entire test suite. To run single unit tests from Leiningen, use
$ lein midje
The tests use Brian Marick's midje testing framework; midje is designed to work particularly well with emacs. If you are using emacs, you will probably already have installed slime, slime-edit, and paredit through the ELPA package manager. However, ELPA may not have the latest clojure-mode; I suggest getting at least version 1.10.0 in order to be able to work with swank-clojure. Next, install the the swank-clojure Leiningen plugin, and finally, get [midje-mode] (