- Hadoop 3.1.1
- Java10
Set the following environment variables:
- Hadoop_HOME
Download Hadoop 3.1.1 binaries for windows at Extract in Hadoop_HOME\bin and make sure to override the existing files.
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -P '' -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa
$ cat ~/.ssh/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
$ chmod 0600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
1.) Create the following folders:
- Hadoop_HOME/tmp
- Hadoop_HOME/tmp/dfs/data
- Hadoop_HOME/tmp/dfs/name
2.) Set the following properties: core-site.xml and hdfs-site.xml
<!-- Will allow us to upload or create file later in hdfs -->
3.) Run Hadoop namenode -format Don't forget the file:/// prefix in hdfs-site.xml for windows. Otherwise, the format will fail.
4.) Run Hadoop_HOME/sbin/start-dfs.xml.
5.) If all goes well, you can check the log for the web port in the console. In my case it's http://localhost:9870.
6.) You can now upload any file in the #4 URL.
Now let's try to create a project that will test our Hadoop setup. Or download an already existing one. For example this project: It has a nice explanation with it, so let's try. I've repackaged it into a pom project and uploaded at Github at
1.) Clone the repository.
2.) Open the hdfs url from the #5 above, and create an input and output folder.
3.) In input folder, upload the file SalesJan2009 from the project's root folder.
4.) Run Hadoop jar Hadoop-mapreduce-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar /input /output.
5.) Check the output from the URL and download the resulting file.
Here's a more complicated example
- Un-properly configured core-site or hdfs-site related to data and name node?
- File / folder permission