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  • ./gradlew build builds into .class files.
  • ./gradlew jar builds jar file for the library.

Run in Jupyter Notebook

This repository has examples written in Jupyter Notebooks. Before running, jar must be built first and requirements need to be installed (primarily `kotlin-jupyter-kernel``)

./gradlew jar
pip install -r requirements.txt


This library is to serve as a framework for performing Stochastic Local Search (SLS) based on Generalised Local Search Machines (GLSM). It was shown that best performing SLS (on a variety of classes of problems) are combinations of multiple pure SLS algorithms. The idea of GLSMs is a unified way to build a represent SLS algorithms that may (or may not be) combinations of pure strategies themselves, using Finite State Automata.

GLSM components

A GLSM consists of:

Note: In SLS 2005, the last two components are treated as inputs to GLSM instead, but for the sake of convinience I will be sticking to the definition above. Subject to change later.


This is WIP, the signatures most likely will be changed in the future, until I settle down on what works best. More algorithms, search space supports, and model problems are yet to be added.


[SLS 2005] H. H. Hoos and Stützle Thomas, Stochastic local search: foundations and applications. Amsterdam: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2005. -- Main reference for SLS algorithms and GLSM framework. If not explicitly stated otherwise, you can assume that it's from this book.

[SURVEY 2012] Parejo, J.A., Ruiz-Cortés, A., Lozano, S. et al. Metaheuristic optimization frameworks: a survey and benchmarking. Soft Comput 16, 527–561 (2012). -- a good review and a benchmark of existing libraries for metaheuristics/SLS algorithms. More comparisons with this approach against the pre-existing once are to come.