Currently, I work as a freelancer.
As a Senior Full Stack web developer, I have rich experience in Front-end and Back-end web development.
Technical/Functional Skills:
- 🔭 Front-end development using GatsbyJs, React/NextJs, Vue/NuxtJs, AngularJs
- 🌱 Animation: GSAP, ThreeJS
- 💬 UI/UX: HTML5/CSS3, SCSS/SASS/LESS, Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap 3/4, Material UI, Antd
- 👯 PHP: Laravel, CodeIgniter, Symfony
- 🤔 CMS/eCommerce: Wordpress, Shopify, Zoho, Headless CMS( Sanity, Strapi, Prismic etc)
- 😄 API: REST, GraphQL(Apollo, Helix, AWS Amplify)
- ⚡ Database: MySQL, Firebase, MongoDB, PostgreSQL
- 📫 Development Tool: CI/CD Pipeline(Jenkins), Testing Library(Jest, Mocha), Webpack(Babel) ...