plugins for Kakoune editor
quick pick
- file
- kakoune session
- python class
- python function
- python function with decorator @route
- python function with decorator @fixture
- python function with name like test_
- file-browser
- find-file
run command
# my project .kakrc
add-action open-admin %{ nop %sh{ xdg-open } }
add-action deploy %{ make deploy }
add-action "run: tests" %{ make tests }
add-action "find: routes" %{ list-python routes ./api }
add to kakrc
plug "d00h/kakoune-pick" config %{
require-module dh-file-browser # add command file-browser
require-module dh-find-buffer # add command find-buffer
require-module dh-find-file # add command find-file
require-module dh-find-action # add command find-action, add-action, clear-actions
alias global find find-file
map global normal <F2> ": find-buffer<ret>"
map global normal <F3> ": file-browser<ret>"
map global normal <F5> ": find-action<ret>"
add-action run %{ make run }
add-action test %{ echo "hello from action" }
- FzF is a general-purpose command-line fuzzy finder
- fd is a program to find entries in your filesytem
for module pick-python