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FORK haystackandroid/rusticated


a rusty theme for sharp coding

Normal bg
screenshot of the rusticated vim theme

ColorColumn Special
MatchParen Statement
Comment PreProc
Normal fg Constant
Cursor Type

First there was snow, a cool, blue-tinted theme evoking the darkness of night (with a deep blue background,
as of a twilight sky) or the brilliance of full daylight (with a white background, as of a bright cloudy sky).

Then came rusticated, taking a middle path of gentle sepia warmth, calling to mind the transitional light of
rising mornings and falling evenings. A canvas of earthy autumn (rather than frosty winter) for a landscape
of text, both plain and accented, the latter emphasized with colors ringing of vibrant spring and summer.

Blue, as the most neutral cool tone, could be described as subtly evoking sky, water, and all the cool-colored
things of nature. Brown, the most neutral warm tone, speaks of soil, wood, and all the warm-colored things.

Thus do snow and rusticated complete one another: yin and yang, edge and middle, cold and heat.
The metal and rust of a trusty saw blade, hewing blocks of code for monumental applications.


If you don’t have a preferred plugin management method, consider vim-plug, which can be installed (on *nix systems) with:

curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \

Having installed vim-plug, rusticated can be installed by adding the following to the top of your vimrc...

call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
Plug 'haystackandroid/rusticated'
call plug#end()

...then restarting vim, followed by running :PlugUpdate (at the vim command line).


Add the following to vimrc:

colorscheme rusticated

status line themes

rusticated comes with themes for airline...

let g:airline_theme='rusticated'

and lightline.

let g:lightline = { 'colorscheme': 'rusticated' }

terminal vim


Terminals/multiplexers with true-color support can display the exact colors of the rusticated theme.

In most cases, the only vimrc setting you need is:

set termguicolors

In some cases you'll also need (see :h xterm-true-color for explanation):

let &t_8f = "\<Esc>[38;2;%lu;%lu;%lum"
let &t_8b = "\<Esc>[48;2;%lu;%lu;%lum"

If termguicolors is not set, terminal vim will fall back to a rough approximation of rusticated.

cursor shape

To set mode-specific cursor shapes in terminal vim, see the Vim Tips Wiki.

For instance, to set cursor shapes in vte-compatible terminals, you could add to vimrc:

let &t_SI = "\<Esc>[6 q"
let &t_SR = "\<Esc>[4 q"
let &t_EI = "\<Esc>[2 q"

...which sets the cursor to a vertical line for insert mode, underline for replace mode, and block for normal mode.



Many terminal emulators can be themed by sourcing the color-setting shell scripts included with rusticated. The path to these scripts will depend on your plugin management method.

For instance, if you use vim-plug and want to apply the rusticated theme to your bash or zsh shell, add the following to ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc:

[ -n "$PS1" ] && sh ~/.vim/plugged/rusticated/shell/

Or for the fish shell, add to ~/.config/fish/

if status --is-interactive
  sh ~/.vim/plugged/rusticated/shell/

If you use vundle, replace plugged in the above paths with bundle.

fish syntax

Again, the script path will depend on your plugin management method.

In a vim-plug setup, add to ~/.config/fish/

source ~/.vim/plugged/rusticated/shell/


The 4.5:1 W3C contrast ratio standard for readability is met by all text/background combinations, with the exception of some transient highlighting (e.g. cursorline/column), which nonetheless well exceeds the minimal ISO 3:1 standard.
image credit: stone wall photo by Coyau (Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 3.0)


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