$ git clone https://github.com/btfspace/autocomment
$ cd autocomment
$ pip3 install telethon
After that, you need to create an application in Telegram.
To do this, go to My TG, log in to your account and make the application, then copy api_id and api_hash to config.ini
Then set up the channels:
Copy the names of the desired channels in config.ini
to the channels variable. If you have several channels, write them separated by commas.
To configure the messages to be sent, configure the messages variable. If you have one channel, just write a message, if you have several channels, write messages in the order of channels for each channel. Example:
channels=Example,Example 2
messages=Message for Example,Message for Example 2
This completes the setup.
$ python3 main.py
Wait for the channel names to be checked and leave the script enabled.
That's it, autocommenting is running.
The specified comment will be written on each new message with a discussion in the channel.