- Presidents of the Republic of Korea Speeches
- Parquet, provided in the form of sqlite db file
- Comes with simple cli
- data per case can be checked in the following ways
- https://www.pa.go.kr/research/contents/speech/index.jsp?spMode=view&catid=c_pa02062&artid={division_number}
- some data show date values as empty columns or years only
president | size | min(date) | max(date) |
이승만 | 998 | 1948.07.24 | 1959.03.10 |
윤보선 | 3 | 1960.08.13 | 1960.09.15 |
박정희 | 1270 | 1963.12.17 | 1979.10.26 |
최규하 | 58 | 1979.10.27 | 1980.08.16 |
전두환 | 602 | 1980.06.05 | 1987.02.16 |
노태우 | 601 | 1988.02.25 | 1992.10.05 |
김영삼 | 728 | 1993.01.09 | 1998.01.23 |
김대중 | 822 | 1998.02.25 | 2003.02.17 |
노무현 | 780 | 2003.02.25 | 2008.01.28 |
이명박 | 1027 | 2008.02.25 | 2013.02.07 |
박근혜 | 493 | 2013.02.24 | 2016.10.26 |
문재인 | 1389 | 2017.05.10 | 2022.03.30 |
$ ps-word-count -h
usage: ps-word-count [-h] [-t | -p] word
Word frequency output from previous presidential speeches
positional arguments:
word Search word
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t, --table Table Format Output
-p, --plot Format Output
$ ps-word-count -p 독립
문재인 [954] ****************************************
이승만 [430] ******************
박정희 [361] ****************
이명박 [176] ********
김대중 [171] ********
전두환 [169] ********
노무현 [167] *******
노태우 [131] ******
김영삼 [114] *****
박근혜 [ 71] ***
최규하 [ 4] *
윤보선 [ 0]
$ ps-word-count -t 독립
| | president | mention |
| 0 | 문재인 | 954 |
| 1 | 이승만 | 430 |
| 2 | 박정희 | 361 |
| 3 | 이명박 | 176 |
| 4 | 김대중 | 171 |
| 5 | 전두환 | 169 |
| 6 | 노무현 | 167 |
| 7 | 노태우 | 131 |
| 8 | 김영삼 | 114 |
| 9 | 박근혜 | 71 |
| 10 | 최규하 | 4 |
| 11 | 윤보선 | 0 |
- 대통령기록관_행정안전부 대통령기록관_대통령연설기록 연설문
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45470964/python-extracting-text-from-webpage-pdf
- https://pypdf.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user/extract-text.html
- https://setuptools.pypa.io/en/latest/userguide/datafiles.html
- https://frhyme.github.io/python-basic/py_no_break_space/
$ pdm add requests
$ pdm add -dG test pytest pytest-cov
$ docker build -t president_speech:0.2.0 .
$ docker run -d --name roh-moo-hyun020 -v "$PWD":/usr/src/app president_speech:0.2.0