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NO LONGER MAINTAINED. An extension to django-db-queue for monitoring long running job statuses


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An extension to django-db-queue for monitoring long running task statuses. The aim of this extension is to simplify the execution of long running tasks, and allow for polling of tasks statuses during execution.

Build Status pypi release

Supported and tested against:

  • Django 2.2
  • django-db-queue 1.3.0
  • Python 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8

What and why?

Have you ever been in a position where you need to run a report, or email several thousand users without blocking your main process? django-db-queue can handle this perfectly for you through the use of a seperate worker process and a queue of tasks. However, it's difficult to determine the state of your task. This package aims to address this. Through the use of a pre-configured view, url and generic task, you can use a single endpoint to create new exports and query their statuses.

Getting started


pip install django-db-queue-exports

Add django_dbq_exports to the installed apps, found inside your


Add django_dbq_exports.tasks.export_task to django-dbq JOBS list in

JOBS = {
    'export': {
        'tasks': ['django_dbq_exports.tasks.export_task'],

Configure the url, something like this:

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^export/', include("django_dbq_exports.urls")),

Remember to run your migrations

python migrate


Describing your export

An export is a standard python function. It must take an export_params dictionary parameter. This can be utilised for any parameters required within your export. The export can also optionally return a string value which will be stored in Export.result_reference. This is best used for file paths or URLs when you need to download or access the results of the export. Here's an example task:

import random

def generate_example_report(export_params):
    output_file = 'myfile.csv'
    array_length = export_params.get("length", None)
    x = []

    for i in range(array_length if array_length else 99):
        x.append(random.randint(1, 10))

    with open(output_file, 'w') as f:
        f.write(",".join(str(y) for y in x))

    return output_file

Configure your task in

    "my_export": "my_project.tasks.generate_example_report",

Running the task

Simply POST to the pre-configured endpoint with the following json. The export_type should map to a configured key within the settings.EXPORTS dictionary.

    "export_type" : "my_export"

With optional parameters to be received by your previously created export task

    "export_type" : "my_export",
    "export_params" : {
        "length": 256

Querying the task status

GET the same endpoint with a url parameter = to the export id field returned from the POST request. Or GET the same endpoint with no parameters to return a list of all exports.

Creating a custom view

If you don't wish to use the built in views and urls to trigger exports, create your own! To trigger an export yourself simply create an export object like so:


The newly created export object will handle the django-db-queue job creation.

Overriding priority

By default all exports will be created with a priority of 1. This is passed through to django-db-queue. If you wish to override this you can do so via the POST method.

    "export_type" : "my_export",
    "priority" : 3

Or through the Export creation directly.

Export.objects.create(export_type="my_export", priority=3)

Code of conduct

For guidelines regarding the code of conduct when contributing to this repository please review


NO LONGER MAINTAINED. An extension to django-db-queue for monitoring long running job statuses







No releases published
