This package is ~basically syntax compatible to
A Redis client for GNU/Octave, written in pure Octave, using instrumen-control 0.2.0 package.
This client works by establishing a TCP connection to the specified Redis server and using the Redis protocol.
- redisCommand (nor tested nor optimized)
- handling strings in redisGet
- make it work with matlab too (far far away)
- implement SMEMBERS (my needs atm)
- redisConnect for switching db inside a redis server
- implement redisPing
octave:222> clear all
octave:223> R=redisConnection();
octave:224> redisAuth(R,'foobared');
octave:225> e=rand(7,3)
e =
0.708814 0.396919 0.453007
0.298450 0.194896 0.999266
0.408579 0.816589 0.423225
0.665347 0.174414 0.443947
0.965165 0.565233 0.143128
0.670602 0.337784 0.923062
0.269081 0.138536 0.064445
octave:226> redisSet(R,'e',e);
octave:227> w=redisGet(R,'e');
octave:228> w
w =
0.708814 0.396919 0.453007
0.298450 0.194896 0.999266
0.408579 0.816589 0.423225
0.665347 0.174414 0.443947
0.965165 0.565233 0.143128
0.670602 0.337784 0.923062
0.269081 0.138536 0.064445
octave:229> t=rand(1000,1000);
octave:230> tic, redisSet(R,'t',t); toc
Elapsed time is 10.5486 seconds.
redisSet can save single values (1x1 Matrix), a string or a nxn Matrix. But take care, reading a string (redisGet) is not implemented yet! Furthermore, it is important to know, how redis-octave is saving a nxn Matrix in redis. It use RPUSH (a list of values) in redis and reshape in octave. But the first(!) value in the RPUSH list is reservated for the dimension of your Matrix. This is important, if you want to use the values with other applications or programming languages too!
Make a redis connection:
R = redisConnection() % connect to localhost on port 6379
R = redisConnection('') % connect to on port 6379
R = redisConnection('', 4242) % connect to on port 4242
Authenticate if needed:
status = redisAuth(R,'password');
For redisSet are no options. It knows if you want to store a string, a matrice or a single value.
status = redisSet(R,'keyName',variablename);
For redisGet are no options too
matrix = redisGet(R,'keyName');