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xthon-core library

Vue-powered standalone and library that can be used to power sites like Volunteerathon, GiveItUpForGood, RideForGood, etc.

Guidelines for development

IMPORTANT: Please refer to the wiki tab on this repository to see the general guidelines for developing components on this repository.

Tag version

If there are changes to the package.json file in the library, these need to be reflected in the parent. Bump the version in the library following ([] guidelines, commit and push to the remote. After that, create a tag and push it to the remote:

git tag -a v0.0.25
git push origin v.0.0.25

Then, update the library version in the container's package.json file to reflect that exact version:

"xthon-core": "github:dailysourceorg/xthon-core#0.0.25"

Note: ensure to commit the changes here in the library before commiting the changes to the main repository (or container), and also update (bump) the library version.

Build Setup

Requires Node.js 9+

# install dependencies
npm install # or yarn

# serve in dev mode, with hot reload at localhost:8080
# this will also start a fake json server at localhost:8080/api serving static assets at localhost:8080/static
npm run dev

# serve in production mode
npm start


# run test suite
yarn test


# run test suite
yarn lint

.env variables

Add a .env file with the following entries:


Please have a look at the .env.example file for a complete list of env vars

The IRS_SEARCH_API_URL constant is needed by the NonprofitAjaxSearch component and by the nonprofit view to pull information from non-claimed nonrpofits, i.e., nonprofits that are not yet in the database but that do exists in the IRS database.


The skeleton was built using a combination of these two templates:

and also uses the following plugins or forks of them:

and the selection of icons is taken from Material Design icons
