GET /lender -> Returns a list of lenders data.
GET /lender/{id} -> Returns the details of the lender with ID {id}.
POST /lender -> Adds a new lender into the system. -> Example payload in JSON format: {"name": "Bob", "interest": 0.04, "available": 5600}
GET /loan?requested={pounds}&timePeriod={months}&allOrNone=1 -> Returns an estimation of the loan interest (if possible) along with the monthly repayment and total repayment information.
requestedLoan: the quantity of money of the loan (it must be within the valid range).
timePeriod: requested time in months for the repayment.
allOrNone: true or 1 if the requested loan must be fulfilled completely or rejected otherwise,
false or 0 if the requested loan could be fulfilled partially.