This is my experimental assembler for 6502 processor in Ocaml with monadic parser described here:
This program was mainly inspired by Tsoding parcoom parser:
As input to parser I used tokens from lexer (instead of string) and this simple solution lets me to forget about whitespaces and comments in parser grammar.
Now assembling is processed in 3 passes: pre-processing parse with directives calculations (preprocess), parsing tokens and generating instructions (by asmparser) and post-process with calculating labels relative and absolute positions in code (by asmparser).
- dune test
- dune exec asm
- utop>>
#load "str.cma";;
- utop>>
#use "./";;
- utop>> {tokens= ref (Array.of_list (tokenize "1203*2+5*10 ss")) ; pos= 0};;
- utop>> {tokens= ref (Array.of_list (tokenize "(2+(5*3))-8")) ; pos= 0};;
- utop>> {tokens= ref (Array.of_list (tokenize "2+5*-(-%0001001010+3)-8")) ; pos= 0};;
dune utop ./lib
- utop>>
#use "./lib/";;
- utop>>
#use "./lib/preprocess/";;
- utop>>
.org $8000
.equ Char1 'A'
Char2 = ('A' + 1)
l0: JMP (l1)
LDA heart, X
CMP #Char1 + 1
BNE l1
CMP #Char2
LDA $A0, X
l1: JMP l0
heart: .byte %00000, %01010, %11111
|} |> tokenize |> preprocess_tokens |>;;
- : state * (asm_line list, string) result =
({tokens =
{contents =
[|Tok_NewL; Tok_Label "l0:"; Tok_Word "JMP"; Tok_LParen; Tok_Word "l1";
Tok_RParen; Tok_NewL; Tok_Word "LDA"; Tok_Word "heart"; Tok_Coma;
Tok_Word "X"; Tok_NewL; Tok_Word "CMP"; Tok_Hash; Tok_Number "65";
Tok_Sum; Tok_Number "1"; Tok_NewL; Tok_Word "BNE"; Tok_Word "l1";
Tok_NewL; Tok_Word "CMP"; Tok_Hash; Tok_Number "66"; Tok_NewL;
Tok_Word "LDA"; Tok_Number "$A0"; Tok_Coma; Tok_Word "X"; Tok_NewL;
Tok_Label "l1:"; Tok_Word "JMP"; Tok_Word "l0"; Tok_NewL;
Tok_Label "heart:"; Tok_Direct ".byte"; Tok_Number "%00000"; Tok_Coma;
Tok_Number "%01010"; Tok_Coma; Tok_Number "%11111"; Tok_NewL; Tok_End|]};
token_ix = 42; byte_counter = 32788; identifiers = [];
labels =
[{name = "heart:"; value = 32785}; {name = "l1:"; value = 32782};
{name = "l0:"; value = 32768}]},
[Empty; Instr {opcode = 108; operand = Fixed [14; 128]};
Instr {opcode = 189; operand = Fixed [17; 128]};
Instr {opcode = 201; operand = Fixed [66]};
Instr {opcode = 208; operand = Fixed [4]};
Instr {opcode = 201; operand = Fixed [66]};
Instr {opcode = 181; operand = Fixed [160]};
Instr {opcode = 76; operand = Fixed [0; 128]};
Label_Data ("heart:", 32785, [0; 10; 31])])