Image loading library for Marmalade C++. The animated (gif) and mipmaps formats supported.
Based on DevIL 1.7.8 -
Few format have been disabled because of the dependencies. They could be added later.
y = supported, o = not supported, the library could be added, n = not supported
Format | Loading | Saving |
Windows Bitmap - .bmp | y | y |
Dr. Halo - .cut | y | n |
Multi-PCX - .dcx | y | n |
Dicom - .dicom, .dcm | y | n |
DirectDraw Surface - .dds | y | y |
OpenEXR - .exr | o | o |
Flexible Image Transport System - .fits, .fit | y | n |
Heavy Metal: FAKK 2 - .ftx | y | n |
C-style Header - .h | n | y |
Radiance High Dynamic - .hdr | y | n |
Macintosh icon - .icns | y | n |
Windows icon/cursor - .ico, .cur | y | n |
Interchange File Format - .iff | y | n |
Infinity Ward Image - .iwi | y | n |
Graphics Interchange Format - .gif | y | n |
Jpeg - .jpg, .jpe, .jpeg | y | y |
Jpeg 2000 - .jp2 | o | o |
Interlaced Bitmap - .lbm | y | n |
Homeworld texture - .lif | y | n |
Half-Life Model - .mdl | y | n |
MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3 - .mp3 | y | n |
Palette - .pal | y | y |
Kodak PhotoCD - .pcd | y | n |
ZSoft PCX - .pcx | y | y |
Softimage PIC - .pic | y | n |
Portable Network Graphics - .png | y | y |
Portable Anymap - .pbm, .pgm, .pnm, .pnm | y | y |
Alias , Wavefront - .pix | y | y |
Adobe PhotoShop - .psd | y | y |
PaintShop Pro - .psp | y | n |
Pixar - .pxr | y | n |
Raw data - .raw | y | y |
Homeworld 2 Texture - .rot | y | n |
Silicon Graphics - .sgi, .bw, .rgb, .rgba | y | y |
Creative Assembly Texture - .texture | y | n |
Truevision Targa - .tga | y | y |
Tagged Image File Format - .tif | o | o |
Gamecube Texture - .tpl | y | n |
Unreal Texture - .utx | y | n |
Quake 2 Texture - .wal | y | n |
Valve Texture Format - .vtf | y | y |
HD Photo - .wdp, .hdp | y | n |
X Pixel Map - .xpm | y | n |
Doom graphics | y | n |
(striked texts not valid for this Marmalade extension)
- Portable, supports Windows, Mac OS X and *nix.
- OpenGL-style syntax.
- Use of image names instead of pointers.
- Full Unicode support for filenames.
- 64-bit compatibility.
- Loading from files, file streams or memory "lumps".
- Direct access to data through ilGetData() and ilSetData().
- Support for luminance, rgb(a), bgr(a) and colour-indexed images.
- Support for 3 different numbers of bits per channel.
- Conversion between all formats and datatypes (including palettes).
- User-defined automatic conversions if desired when loading images.
- Automatic conversion when saving images if needed.
- Automatic conversion of colour-indexed images to truecolour images if desired.
- Controllable compression when saving.
- Maintains a state stack that can be pushed and popped.
- Full support for 3d texture volumes (3d images).
- Validation of images.
- Support for layers.
- Support for mipmaps.
- Support for animations.
- Support for cubemaps.
- User-specified clear colour.
- Can load a default image if loading fails.
- User-specified hints.
- Use of key colours.
- Support for overlaying an image on top of another.
- Allows the user to specify their own loading and saving callbacks, even overriding the default ones.
- Support for user-specified read and write functions.
Delphi support.Visual Basic support.Linux support.Can pick and choose which features will be used to create smaller dlls.Choose whether to use the Intel Jpeg Library or libjpeg.- A whole host of effects and filters to apply to images, such as embossing and edge detection.
- Images can be resized or even be put on a larger background (enlarged canvas).
OpenGL, Allegro, Windows GDI and DirectX API support.