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Laravel Batch Upload

A framework to help manage/automate/process data uploads (such as CSV), using your business logic. It has potential to be much more than just a databse update tool.

  • Scheduling - Define when you would like uploads to be processed
  • Validation - Add rules to ensure that data is valid before being processed and provide feedback on any failures
  • Configurable - Global or granular per processor
  • Headless - Create the frontend and approval process to suite your exact needs


composer require dandysi/laravel-batch-upload


php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Dandysi\Laravel\BatchUpload\BatchUploadServiceProvider"

Configure this package by changing the values in config/batch-upload.php.

Getting Started

The first step is to create a processor (an engine for processing row data). It is a simple PHP class and can be created with the following maker command:

php artisan make:batch-upload-processor CreateCategoriesProcessor create_categories

Add the processor to the config/batch-upload.php config file.

 * Register processors here
'processors' => [

Define the columns/validation rules and implement code to handle the uploaded row data.

class CreateCategoriesProcessor implements ProcessorInterface
    public function config(): ProcessorConfig 
        return ProcessorConfig::create()
            ->column('code', 'Code', 'required')
            ->column('name', 'Name', 'required')

    public function __invoke(array $row): void
        $category = Cagegory::create([
            'code' => $row['code'],
            'name' => $row['name]

        //more than just a simple data upload as you can add any other business logic here

Creating Batches

Ordinarily this would not be in one step, however the below outlines all the required stages.

use Dandysi\Laravel\BatchUpload\Services\BatchService;

//Step 1 - Create
$service = app(BatchService::class);
$options = $service->options('create_categories', '/data/categories.csv');

$batch = $service->create($options);

//Step 2 - Approve
$batch->status = Batch::STATUS_APPROVE;

//Step 3 - Dispatch (each row will be a seperate queued job)

If validation errors occur, they will be recorded against each row and the status of the batch/row will reflect this.

Scheduled Batches

Schedule batches with an additional option and not performing step 3 above.

$options = $service
    ->options('create_categories', '/data/categories.csv')

To ensure scheduled batches are dispatched you will need to add a schedule command in the console kernel:

class Kernel extends ConsoleKernel
     * Define the application's command schedule.
    protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule): void

or create your own cron entry to execute the following:

php artisan batch-upload:dispatch

User Batches

If your batches need to be identifiable by users, another option can be added during the creation step:

$options = $service
    ->options('create_categories', '/data/categories.csv')

Console Commands

Create and dispatch a batch straight away:

php artisan batch-upload:create create_categories /data/categories.csv --force-dispatch

delay by minutes --delay=60 or indentify with a user --user=user123. Delays will require the schedule command/cron step outlined above to be in place.


Open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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