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This repository is no longer maintained. Node JS client

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Official Node JS wrapper for APIs.

At the following links can be found:


Before you can use Chino Node JS SDK you have to install Node JS Javascript runtime. If you haven't it yet, you can follow the instructions provided on Node JS website.


To install Chino SDK in your Node JS project you can run the following command

npm install --save chinoio

The above command will download Chino SDK in your node_modules directory and will add the dependency in your package.json file.

Test the SDK

Once requirements are satisfied you can test the SDK. In order to complete this task you have to follow these steps:

Clone this repository with the following command:

git clone

Then go inside the repository folder:

cd chino-nodejs

And install project dependencies:

npm install

After the install process, open /test/testSettings.js file and insert base url for calls (e.g. the one for testing if you have a free plan), your Chino customer id and customer key:

Inside file /test/testSettings.js

module.exports.baseUrl = "";
module.exports.customerId  = "your-Chino-Customer-ID";
module.exports.customerKey = "your-Chino-Customer-KEY";

Now the project is ready to be tested. Run the following command to test it:

npm test

SDK Usage

First steps

After you have installed the SDK you can import it in your project and create the main object:

const Chino = require("chino-sdk");     // before working, SDK have to publish
                                        // on NPM and installed locally

const chinoClient = new Chino("base-url", "chino-id", "chino-key");

Parameters used for construct a Chino object are:

  • base-url
    the url at which the client will makes requests
    Please, notice that there is no slash at end of the URL.
  • chino-id
    the Chino customer id that you own
  • chino-key
    one of the Chino customer key associated with your account

Note: creating a client in this way is meant for development or for authentication purpose, since this grant to client no restriction on call permissions.

Now we have a client object. Let's us make a call to Chino APIs. For example we create a repository on Chino, using as parameter the right object (according to Chino API docs):

const data = {
    description: "This is a test repository"


Set Chino credentials for application user

OK, we created a Chino client for a developer. Now we will follow these basic steps to set up a client for an application user. This client will be limited by user Chino permissions (see docs for further information on permissions).

First of all we need to create a Chino Application and set its credentials (application id and application secret). These properties are kept private for security reasons.

const appData = {
    grant_type: "password",
    name: "Application test"

    .then((app) => {
        // enable chino client to authenticate application users 
        chinoClient.setAuth(app.app_id, app.app_secret);
    .catch((error) => {
        // manage request error

Then you can authenticate a user and retrieve an access token, that will be used later for accessing Chino API (Attention: the access token has an expiration, see docs for managing it).

 let token = "";
 chinoClient.auth.login(username, password)
    .then((auth) => {
        token = auth.access_token;

Now that we have a token, we can create a client for an application user:

const userClient = new Chino("base-url", token);

This time, Chino constructor parameters are:

  • base-url
    see above for description
  • token this is the user access token we retrieved before. It is used to identify user calls.

In the end we can try to make a call as user application:

    .then((user) => {
        // show current user details
    .catch((error) => {
        // manage request error


Since requesting to REST service could require some time, each call is made asynchronously. As a result, each function return a Promise object that will be resolved if client receive a 200 (OK) status code as response from server, otherwise it will be rejected.

Moreover, if you have to make sequential calls, you have to chain returned promises from each call.


For further information view SDK docs. You can view an example of application in the example branch.




Node JS SDK for








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