Homebrew Fonts
Extra fonts with Homebrew.
brew tap danielbayley/fonts
brew cask install #font-token
system_profiler SPFontsDataType
will give you a list of installed fonts with detailed information, including the PostScript name you might need for your preferred editor or terminal. Using Fira Code for example, system_profiler SPFontsDataType | grep Fira
would give you FiraCode-Retina
. You can also run fc-scan --format %{postscriptname}
directly on the font file.
# ${ATOM_HOME:-~/.atom}/config.cson
fontFamily: "FiraCode-Retina, monospace"
// ${VSCODE_APPDATA:-~/Library/Application Support}/{Code,VSCodium}/User/settings.json
"editor.fontFamily": "FiraCode-Retina, monospace",
"editor.fontLigatures": true,
// ~/.hyper.js
fontFamily: 'FiraCode-Retina, monospace',
git config core.hooksPath .github/hooks
and follow the contribution guide, or copy and adapt an existing Cask.