Statistics script which displays kill and player/country stats for multiple Soldat game servers. Powered by Python + Redis + Flask and styled with Bootswatch.
- ip2country for all players. Country stats + flags next to each player
- Supports multiple Soldat servers
- Configurable data retention. Don't show kill stats more than X days old.
- Ability to connect to Soldat server's admin port and provide current status
- Player search
- Pretty graphs
- Clean comfortable layout provided by Bootswatch
- Uses Redis key value database instead of SQL so pages are fast even with hundreds of thousands of recorded kills.
- Python 2.7, with virtualenv/pip tools
- Redis DB installed/running
- Tested on Ubuntu/Debian. Will work on CentOS if you get at least Python 2.7
First, have an install of Redis database runnning. The following will do.
sudo apt-get install redis-server
Install python virtualenv tool
sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv
Create & activate venv (run this before next commands):
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
To install to your venv but point to your code so you can edit and dev and run:
python develop
Copy config.yml.samp to config.yml after editing it to fit your setup
Run update script. Probably add this to cron.
runupdate -c config.yml
Start website. (Bind to all NICs on port 5000)
runsite -c config.yml
It is also possible to run this under apache/nginx with uwsgi. I'll include a guide for that maybe later.
- Joe Gillotti -
- GitHub