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📦 Updater ~ Release Release

Simple solution to update apps. Call updater.exe with commands arguments you need.

📚 Arg commands

short long command help remark
0 Address where the compressed file (zip) to download is located. is required and must be required
-f --filename Name with which the downloaded file will be saved, no need extension def: update
-e --extension Only use in special cases like 'msi', by default it autodetects, supported Archive Formats: Zip, GZip, Tar, Rar, 7Zip
-p --filepath Path where to download and unpack def: base directory
-w --wait Prevent the app from auto closing
-o --open Executable to start when the process terminate
-r --remove Remove files or directories before opening separator ','
-i --ignore Ignore files when unzipping separator ','
-d --decopass Password required to unzip the file
--help Display this help screen
--version Display version information
    direction LR
    updater --> download
    download --> unpack
    unpack --> open
    note right of updater
        run the updater from a command line 
        with the arguments
    end note

    note left of download
        It will show the download {0} process 
        and the time taken
    end note
    note right of unpack
        unpack {filename}.{extension} and overwrite the downloaded 
        file in the directory
    end note
    note left of open
        run the executable {open}
        the terminal
    end note

▶️ How to start

💻 in your favorite terminal

.\updater 'url' -r -o 'exe' -w

🟢 example zip

.\updater -o ScreenToGif.exe -w -r update, logs

🔮 call example in c#

    var exe = "MyExe.exe";
    var url = "https://..."

    ProcessStartInfo psInfo = new()
        FileName = "updater.exe",
        UseShellExecute = true,
        Arguments = $"{url} -o {exe} -r update -w"


🟢 example msi -w -r update,logs -e msi

💾 Compiled

dotnet publish -p:PublishProfile=FolderProfile

🦄 Nugets

Name Descripción Version
Serilog Simple .NET logging with fully-structured events 2.12.0
SharpCompress .NET library compression types and formats. 0.32.0
ShellProgressBar visualize (concurrent) progress in your console application 5.2.0
CommandLineParser command line parser that brings standardized 2.9.1