Responsive image resizer, a magento module to help develop responsive Magento themes. It allows resizing of any uploaded image by simply providing the url. It uses Andrea Verlicchis awesome picturePolyfill to provide responsive images.
Thanks to henkelund for helping out.
If you are missing features or if you find any bugs, please let me know.
- Inline options added
- Fixed problem with image upload field
- Now works with relative Url:s
- Heights and height-calculation fixed
In your .phtml-files simply call the helper and provide an image url, description and size:
echo $this->helper('respizr')->getPictureHtml(
You can also include an array with inline options and offsets from the rules you set in config. Available options are:
array of breakpoints to skipoffsets
relative offsets from the offsets set in admin,absolute
absolute offsets, sets the image-width to an absolute value
echo $this->helper('respizr')->getPictureHtml(
'skip' => array('1200'),
'offsets' => array('1024' => -100),
'absolute' => array('768' => 700)
This will return a picture element with one resized image and a retina-image per breakpoint (specified in System -> Configuration -> Respizr)
How about product images? Provide the product, attribute name and size:
echo $this->helper('respizr')->getProductPictureHtml(
$_product, 'small_image', 200
There is a widget, to be able to add pictures to cms-content as well.
In System -> Configuration -> Respizr you can set your themes breakpoints and include offsets per page layout. You can also adjust settings for Varien Image (Quality, Keep Aspect Ratio, Background Color, Keep Frame, Keep Transparency, Constrain Only).
- Ability to change product image type ('small_image', 'thumbnail', etc) per breakpoint for product images.