This module was created for fixing problem with multi threading in Lua. It supports creating dedicated lua state, and syncing main lua thread with another thread.
Include LuaThreading into your project
-- ...
IncludeLuaShared() -- Do not forget to include LuaShared
-- ...
If you're using CMake:
target_include_libraries(<your_library> PRIVATE LuaThreading)
# P.S: Use my CMake fork of garrysmod_common
Initialize LuaThreading
#include <lua_threading.hpp>
// Register think somewhere here
// ...
return 0;
// ...
return 0;
Registering think function for thread syncing
LUA->GetField(GarrysMod::Lua::INDEX_GLOBAL, "timer");
LUA->GetField(-1, "Create");
LUA->PushString("my_super_think"); // identifier
LUA->PushNumber(0); // delay
LUA->PushNumber(0); // repetitions
LUA->Call(4, 0);
// Or if you already have think function then just call think
Acquiring lua state from anywhere
// Getting lua state (and syncing threads if needed)
LuaThreading::Lua LUA = LuaThreading::AcquireLua(); // Or LuaThreading::Lua();
// Using Lua as Garrysmod::Lua::ILuaBase*
LUA->GetField(GarrysMod::Lua::INDEX_GLOBAL, "print");
LUA->PushString("Hello World");
LUA->Call(1, 0);
} // Here main thread will be desynced, if it was synced
// That means what LuaThreading::Lua will hold main thread until it destroyed
// Or we can force sync by passing boolean
LuaThreading::AcquireLua(true); // Will sync with main thread
LuaThreading::AcquireLua(false); // Won't sync
// lua_threading.hpp
namespace LuaThreading {
// Global Thread ID to determine if we need to sync threads
extern std::thread::id MainThreadID;
class Lua {
lua_State* state;
Lua(); // Runs LuaThreading::NeedSync internally
Lua(bool sync); // true if you need to sync with main thread
~Lua(); // Destructor will unlock main thread, if it was locked
// Copying is prohibited
Lua(const Lua& other) = delete;
Lua& operator=(const Lua& other) = delete;
// Move constructor is permitted, but not move statement
Lua(Lua&& other) noexcept;
Lua& operator=(Lua&& other) = delete;
// You can use LuaThreading::Lua class as it was Garrysmod::Lua::ILuaBase*
GarrysMod::Lua::ILuaBase* operator->() const;
// Returns true, if called in non main thread
bool NeedSync();
// Same as LuaThreading::Lua();
Lua AcquireLua();
Lua AcquireLua(bool sync);
void Initialize(GarrysMod::Lua::ILuaBase* LUA);
void Deinitialize(GarrysMod::Lua::ILuaBase* LUA);
int Think(lua_State* L);
int Think(GarrysMod::Lua::ILuaBase* LUA);
- Create joinable std::thread with context, so we can avoid deadlocks if thread was joined