At Darkwood we like Computer 💻 and Internet 🌎 that bring knowledge 💡 and creation 🚀 for relatively no cost 💶 or energy ⚡️.
What we can contribute is about exploring Tiny Design Mechanics ⚙️ as Processing, Generating, Rendering, Filtering, Solving things that are more relevant to Web 🌐, Music 🎛 and Games 🎮.
We can see how working together and bring our expertise on Symfony for back-end, React.js for front-end and Flow for automation.
We are sensitive to the quality of the code, the use of good practices and to its maintainability.
Keys skills :
- Backend : PHP, Symfony, API-Platform
- Frontend : Symfony UX, React.js, Typescript, Bootstrap
- Automation : Flow
- CMS : Sulu
- Ecommerce : Sylius, Stripe
- Dev stack : Git, Docker
- Quality : Continus integration, unit testing, code review
- Agility methods : Scrum, Kanban