Use Riot to test your Rack apps easily!
Here's the gist of it:
require 'riot'
require 'riot/rack'
context "HelloWorldApp" do
# Specify your app using the #app helper. If you don't specify
# one, Riot::Rack will recursively look for a file.
# Takes either an app class or a block argument.
app {|env| [200, {}, "Hello, World!"] }
# Alternatively:
# You can use all the Rack::Test helpers in the setup blocks.
setup { get '/' }
# You can access the response directly.
asserts(:body).equals("Hello, World!")
Add Gemcutter to your gem sources:
sudo gem sources -a
Then, simply install the riot-rack gem like so:
sudo gem install riot-rack
Copyright (c) 2010 Daniel Schierbeck, Brian Carlson.
Riot is released under the MIT license. See {file:MIT-LICENSE}.