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Version 1.14.0

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@wilko77 wilko77 released this 24 Feb 04:04


API now supports directly downloading similarity scores from the internal object store

If the request includes the header RETURN-OBJECT-STORE-ADDRESS, the response will be a small json payload with
temporary download credentials to pull the binary similarity scores directly from the object store. The json object
has credentials and object keys::

  "credentials": {
    "AccessKeyId": "",
    "SecretAccessKey": "",
    "SessionToken": "",
    "Expiration": "<ISO 8601 datetime string>"
  "object": {
      "endpoint": "<config.DOWNLOAD_OBJECT_STORE_SERVER>",
      "secure": "<config.DOWNLOAD_OBJECT_STORE_SECURE>",
      "bucket": "bucket_name",
      "path": "path"

The binary file is serialized using anonlink.serialization, you can convert the stream into Python types with::

    mc = Minio(file_info['endpoint'], ...)
    candidate_pair_stream = mc.get_object(file_info['bucket'], file_info['path'])
    sims, (dset_is0, dset_is1), (rec_is0, rec_is1) = anonlink.serialization.load_candidate_pairs(candidate_pair_stream)

The following settings control the optional feature of using an external object store:

======================================= ==========================================
Environment Variable Helm Config
======================================= ==========================================
DOWNLOAD_OBJECT_STORE_SERVER anonlink.objectstore.downloadServer
DOWNLOAD_OBJECT_STORE_SECURE anonlink.objectstore.downloadSecure
DOWNLOAD_OBJECT_STORE_ACCESS_KEY anonlink.objectstore.downloadAccessKey
DOWNLOAD_OBJECT_STORE_SECRET_KEY anonlink.objectstore.downloadSecretKey
DOWNLOAD_OBJECT_STORE_STS_DURATION - (default 43200 seconds)
======================================= ==========================================

Implemented in: #594, #612, #613, #614

Service now uses sqlalchemy for database migrations

Sqlalchemy models have been added for all database tables, initial database setup
now uses alembic for migrations. The database and object store init scripts can now
be run multiple times without causing issues.

Implemented in #603, #611

New configurable limits on maximum number of candidate pairs

Protects the service from running out of memory due to excessive numbers of
candidate pairs being processed. An added side effect is the service now keeps
track of the number of candidate pairs in a run (as well as the number of comparisons).

The configurable is controlled by the following two environment variables, and their initial
default values::


If a run exceeds these limits, the run is put into an error state and further processing is
abandoned to protect the service from running out of memory.

Implemented in #595, #605

Other changes

  • Ingress now supports a user supplied path. We no longer assume an nginx ingress controller. #587
  • Migrate off deprecated k8s chart repos #596, #588
  • Helm chart now uses standard recommended Kubernetes labels. #616
  • Fix an issue with case sensitivity in object store metadata #590
  • If the object store bucket doesn't exist it is now automatically created. #577
  • Ignore but log failures to delete from object store #576
  • Many dependency updates #578, #579, #580, #582, #581, #583, #596, #604, #609, #615
  • Update the base image, all base dependencies and migrated from minio-py v5 to v7 #601, #608, #610
  • CI e2e tests on Kubernetes will now correctly fail if the tests don't run. #618
  • Add optional pod annotations to init jobs. #619