C++ library for Pine64. Based on the work of Eric Ptak <trouch@trouch.com>, Stefan Mavrodiev <support@olimex.com>, Kamil Trzcinski <ayufan@ayufan.eu>
Pine64-CPP is object oriented library for access to GPIO, I2C and SPI. Moreover all GPIO pin is mapped.
#include "pinout.h" #include "gpio.h" using namespace std; using namespace Pine64; int main (void) { GPIO* man = new GPIO(); if (man->setup()) { cout << "Failed to configure GPIO\n" << endl; return 1; } cout << " Set GPIO pin directions" << endl; man->pinMode(PI_GPIO_18, OUTPUT); for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { cout << " Turn Led ON" << endl; man->digitalWrite(PI_GPIO_18, HIGH); man->delay(1000); cout << " Turn Led OFF" << endl; man->digitalWrite(PI_GPIO_18, LOW); man->delay(1000); } cout << "Exiting....." << endl; return 0; }