A list of user defined functions are collected here for Hive and Spark SQL.
- UDAF class is deprecated will move to generic interface.
Build the JAR:
mvn package
Start Hive CLI with the JAR in your classpath:
export HADOOP_CLASSPATH=target/df-hiveudf-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar ; hive
create temporary function str_lower as 'com.datafibers.hiveudf.udf.StringLower';
select str_lower("UPPER CASE LETTERS");
In shell commandline, create a permanent function:
hdfs dfs -mkdir /apps/hive/functions hdfs dfs -chown hive:hive /apps/hive/functions cp df-hiveudf-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar /tmp hdfs dfs -put -f /tmp/df-hiveudf-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar /apps/hive/functions
In beeline, create/register/check the function
DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS str_lower; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS arraycontains; CREATE FUNCTION str_lower AS 'com.datafibers.hiveudf.udf.StringLower' USING JAR 'hdfs:////apps/hive/functions/df-hiveudf-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar'; CREATE FUNCTION arraycontains AS 'com.datafibers.hiveudf.gudf.ArrayContains' USING JAR 'hdfs:////apps/hive/functions/df-hiveudf-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar'; DESC FUNCTION arraycontains; DESC FUNCTION EXTENDED arraycontains;
After that, you can use the functions like hive build-in functions.
select str_lower(name), work_place from employee where arraycontains(work_place, 'Toronto');
Check query explain
explain select str_lower(name), work_place from employee where arraycontains(work_place, 'Toronto');
For streaming function by python, follow steps below.
hdfs dfs -mkdir /apps/hive/scripts
hdfs dfs -put hive_udf_addfile.py /apps/hive/scripts
hive -f hive_udf_addfile.sql