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Objective-C tracker SDK Build Status codebeat badge

O2MC's mobile tracking SDK for collecting and measuring analytical events.

Getting started

These instructions will get you up and running on your local machine. There is an example app available for local testing.


The following tools are required.

  • XCode 9+
  • iOS 9+


1. Obtain and install the SDK

Obtain the source code.

Drag the O2MTracker.xcodeproj project in the sdk folder to your project as a Framework.

Go to Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries.

Now click on the + sign and add the O2MTracker.framework to your Link Binary With Libraries.

2. Initialize the SDK

Open your app's AppDelegate.m and add the following header import:

#import <O2MTracker/O2MTracker.h>

We recommend initializing the SDK in the didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method.

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
    // Be sure to define a separate end point for debug builds and production builds.
    [[O2MC sharedInstance] setEndpoint:@""];
    return YES;

3. Start tracking!

Use the following method from anywhere to start tracking events. Be sure to import the tracker header as well.

[[O2MC sharedInstance] track:@"Hello world!"];

Events can also contain values. Use any of the following methods when tracking additional event data.

// Dictionary values
[[O2MC sharedInstance] trackWithProperties:@{@"Hello": @"World", @"LuckyNumber": @7} eventName:@"trackWithDict"];

// Booleans
[[O2MC sharedInstance] trackWithBool:YES eventName:@"trackWithBool"];

// Any type of number from NSNumber
[[O2MC sharedInstance] trackWithNumber:[[NSNumber alloc] initWithInt:12345] eventName:@"trackWithNumber"];

// And of course a string!
[[O2MC sharedInstance] trackWithString:@"stringValue" eventName:@"trackWithString"];


This is how you'd initialize the O2MC tracking SDK:

[[O2MC sharedInstance] setEndpoint:@"<endpoint>"];

Please consider defining the development or production URL based on the build configuration.

Refer to the API documentation for more details on how to use and configure the SDK.


MIT license.

Copyright (c) Insite Innovations and Properties B.V.


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