A curated list of awesome outlining tools that help you stay organized. Inspired by the awesome list of things.
- Outlinely - A powerful outliner for writing and organizing notes, plans, todos.
- OmniOutliner - Powerful and feature rich outliner.
- Cloud Outliner - Clean and simple outliner.
- Taskpaper 3 - Manage your todos in plain text.
- Tree - Tree is an outliner featuring a horizontally expandable tree view.
- Org Mode - Edit and organizing plain-text notes mode for Emacs.
- The Vim Outliner - Outlining mode for VIM.
- Notecase Pro - Hierarchical personal information manager.
- Workflowy - Simple list management tool.
- Dynalist - Similar to Workflowy, with more features.
- Moo.do - Outliner and task manager with unique features.
- Checkvist - Online outliner and task manager.
- Fargo - Online outliner, stores your outlines in Dropbox. #stagnant.
- The Outliner of Giants - A feature rich Outline Processor, similar to Fargo.