This is a logger extension for the php-json-rpc library. It provides a simple logging mechanism to log incoming JSON-RPC requests and the corresponding responses to a logger.
To use the logged server, simply create a logger with a corresponding handler and pass it to a Logger\Server
instance. In this example, we'll use Monolog's SyslogHandler
and the Simple\Evaluator
(see php-json-rpc-simple). This will log all requests and the responses to the system's syslog, typically found at /var/log/syslog
use Datto\JsonRpc\Logged;
use Datto\JsonRpc\Simple;
use Monolog\Handler\SyslogHandler;
use Monolog\Logger;
$server = new Logged\Server(
new Simple\Evaluator(),
new Logger('API', array(new SyslogHandler('datto.api')))
$server->reply('{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "math/subtract", "params": [6, 2], "id": 1}');
- PHP >= 5.3
"require": {
"datto/json-rpc-log": "~4.0"
This package is released under an open-source license: LGPL-3.0.
Written by Philipp C. Heckel.