[DEPRECATED / ABANDONED: This isn't particularly stable & https://atom.io/packages/ember-tabs does a much better job of the same thing.]
I just started a new Ember.js project using the pod directory structure, and found it much harder to navigate around Atom when all the various components share filenames (multiple instances of controller.js
, route.js
, template.hbs
instead of component1.js
, component1.hbs
, component2.js
, component2.hbs
, etc). Tabs are harder to jump between, it's harder to know where you are or what you're working on at a glance. You can opt to display the entire project path, but this only creates a new problem, as the part of the path you care about is almost always pushed out of the tab by something like /User/yourname/github/app/components/...
I asked around for protips to make it less painful and was told this is just how it is. But I'm a creature of habit & figure I can't be the only one who feels this way. For developers who spend more time interacting with their project files through editor tabs than filesystem folders, this incurs a nontrivial usability penalty and demands some kind of fix.
Since routable components are the way of the future and this was really messing up my flow, I decided to write a plugin that conditionally adds terminal component directory names to Atom tabs and window titles. This is my first Atom package & very much a work in progress, but assuming your app follows the standard /app/components/my-component/controller.js
(etc.) naming conventions, this will make it a whole lot easier to see what files you have open at a glance.
- Assign class .podtastic to ul.tab-bar to indicate toggle state (classList.add not working)
- DRY up redundant old/new tab code with callback
- Better handling for tab reordering
- Add keyboard shortcut for fast cycling between files in pod directory (CMD-CTRL-UP)
- Write tests
- Figure out how to turn the thing off