R interface to jq http://stedolan.github.io/jq/
Get dependencies not on CRAN
To install jqr
, after cloning the repo the first time, run (from the command line)
which will download the 1.4 release of jq. This does not need to be run on subsequent runs, and will stop being required once this issue is resolved.
There's a low level interface in which you can execute jq
code just as you would on the command line:
str <- '[{
"foo": 1,
"bar": 2
"foo": 3,
"bar": 4
"foo": 5,
"bar": 6
jq_(str, ".[]")
#> [1] "{\"foo\":1,\"bar\":2}" "{\"foo\":3,\"bar\":4}" "{\"foo\":5,\"bar\":6}"
jq_(str, "[.[] | {name: .foo} | keys]")
#> [1] "[[\"name\"],[\"name\"],[\"name\"]]"
The other is higher level, and uses a suite of functions to construct queries. Queries are constucted, then excuted with the function jq()
x <- '[{"message": "hello", "name": "jenn"}, {"message": "world", "name": "beth"}]'
x %>% index() %>% jq
#> {"message":"hello","name":"jenn"} {"message":"world","name":"beth"}
'[8,3,null,6]' %>% sort %>% jq
#> [null,3,6,8]
reverse order
'[1,2,3,4]' %>% reverse %>% jq
#> [4,3,2,1]
Show the query to be used using peek()
'[1,2,3,4]' %>% reverse %>% peek
#> <jq query>
#> query: reverse
'["a","b,c,d","e"]' %>% join %>% jq
#> "a, b,c,d, e"
'["a","b,c,d","e"]' %>% join(`;`) %>% jq
#> "a; b,c,d; e"
'["fo", "foo", "barfoo", "foobar", "afoo"]' %>% index() %>% ltrimstr(foo) %>% jq
#> "fo" "" "barfoo" "bar" "afoo"
'["fo", "foo", "barfoo", "foobar", "foob"]' %>% index() %>% rtrimstr(foo) %>% jq
#> "fo" "" "bar" "foobar" "foob"
'["fo", "foo", "barfoo", "foobar", "barfoob"]' %>% index %>% startswith(foo) %>% jq
#> false true false true false
'["fo", "foo", "barfoo", "foobar", "barfoob"]' %>% index %>% endswith(foo) %>% jq
#> false true true false false
tojson, fromjson, tostring
'[1, "foo", ["foo"]]' %>% index %>% tostring %>% jq
#> "1" "foo" "[\"foo\"]"
'[1, "foo", ["foo"]]' %>% index %>% tojson %>% jq
#> "1" "\"foo\"" "[\"foo\"]"
'[1, "foo", ["foo"]]' %>% index %>% tojson %>% fromjson %>% jq
#> 1 "foo" ["foo"]
'"foobar"' %>% contains("bar") %>% jq
#> true
'[1,2,5,3,5,3,1,3]' %>% unique %>% jq
#> [1,2,3,5]
get type information for each element
'[0, false, [], {}, null, "hello"]' %>% types %>% jq
#> ["number","boolean","array","object","null","string"]
'[0, false, [], {}, null, "hello", true, [1,2,3]]' %>% types %>% jq
#> ["number","boolean","array","object","null","string","boolean","array"]
select elements by type
'[0, false, [], {}, null, "hello"]' %>% index() %>% type(booleans) %>% jq
#> false
get keys
str <- '{"foo": 5, "bar": 7}'
str %>% keys() %>% jq
#> ["bar","foo"]
delete by key name
str %>% del(bar) %>% jq
#> {"foo":5}
check for key existence
str3 <- '[[0,1], ["a","b","c"]]'
str3 %>% haskey(2) %>% jq
#> [false,true]
str3 %>% haskey(1,2) %>% jq
#> [true,false,true,true]
Select variables by name, and rename
'{"foo": 5, "bar": 7}' %>% select(a = .foo) %>% jq
#> {"a":5}
More complicated select()
, using the included dataset githubcommits
githubcommits %>%
index() %>%
select(sha = .sha, name = .commit.committer.name) %>%
#> {"sha":["110e009996e1359d25b8e99e71f83b96e5870790"],"name":["Nicolas Williams"]}
#> {"sha":["7b6a018dff623a4f13f6bcd52c7c56d9b4a4165f"],"name":["Nicolas Williams"]}
#> {"sha":["a50e548cc5313c187483bc8fb1b95e1798e8ef65"],"name":["Nicolas Williams"]}
#> {"sha":["4b258f7d31b34ff5d45fba431169e7fd4c995283"],"name":["Nicolas Williams"]}
#> {"sha":["d1cb8ee0ad3ddf03a37394bfa899cfd3ddd007c5"],"name":["Nicolas Williams"]}
'{"a": 7}' %>% do(.a + 1) %>% jq
#> 8
'{"a": [1,2], "b": [3,4]}' %>% do(.a + .b) %>% jq
#> [1,2,3,4]
'{"a": [1,2], "b": [3,4]}' %>% do(.a - .b) %>% jq
#> [1,2]
'{"a": 3}' %>% do(4 - .a) %>% jq
#> 1
'["xml", "yaml", "json"]' %>% do('. - ["xml", "yaml"]') %>% jq
#> ". - [\"xml\", \"yaml\"]"
'5' %>% do(10 / . * 3) %>% jq
#> 6
'[5,4,2,7]' %>% index() %>% do(. < 4) %>% jq
#> false false true false
'[5,4,2,7]' %>% index() %>% do(. > 4) %>% jq
#> true false false true
'[5,4,2,7]' %>% index() %>% do(. <= 4) %>% jq
#> false true true false
'[5,4,2,7]' %>% index() %>% do(. >= 4) %>% jq
#> true true false true
'[5,4,2,7]' %>% index() %>% do(. == 4) %>% jq
#> false true false false
'[5,4,2,7]' %>% index() %>% do(. != 4) %>% jq
#> true false true true
'[[1,2], "string", {"a":2}, null]' %>% index %>% length %>% jq
#> 2 6 1 0
'9' %>% sqrt %>% jq
#> 3
'3.14159' %>% floor %>% jq
#> 3
find minimum
'[5,4,2,7]' %>% min %>% jq
#> 2
'[{"foo":1, "bar":14}, {"foo":2, "bar":3}]' %>% min %>% jq
#> {"foo":2,"bar":3}
'[{"foo":1, "bar":14}, {"foo":2, "bar":3}]' %>% min(foo) %>% jq
#> {"foo":1,"bar":14}
'[{"foo":1, "bar":14}, {"foo":2, "bar":3}]' %>% min(bar) %>% jq
#> {"foo":2,"bar":3}
find maximum
'[5,4,2,7]' %>% max %>% jq
#> 7
'[{"foo":1, "bar":14}, {"foo":2, "bar":3}]' %>% max %>% jq
#> {"foo":1,"bar":14}
'[{"foo":1, "bar":14}, {"foo":2, "bar":3}]' %>% max(foo) %>% jq
#> {"foo":2,"bar":3}
'[{"foo":1, "bar":14}, {"foo":2, "bar":3}]' %>% max(bar) %>% jq
#> {"foo":1,"bar":14}
sometimes creates pieces of JSON that are valid in themselves, but together are not.
is a way to make valid JSON.
This outputs a few pieces of JSON
(x <- githubcommits %>%
index() %>%
select(sha = .sha, name = .commit.committer.name) %>%
#> {"sha":["110e009996e1359d25b8e99e71f83b96e5870790"],"name":["Nicolas Williams"]}
#> {"sha":["7b6a018dff623a4f13f6bcd52c7c56d9b4a4165f"],"name":["Nicolas Williams"]}
#> {"sha":["a50e548cc5313c187483bc8fb1b95e1798e8ef65"],"name":["Nicolas Williams"]}
#> {"sha":["4b258f7d31b34ff5d45fba431169e7fd4c995283"],"name":["Nicolas Williams"]}
#> {"sha":["d1cb8ee0ad3ddf03a37394bfa899cfd3ddd007c5"],"name":["Nicolas Williams"]}
Use combine()
to put them together.
#> [{"sha":["110e009996e1359d25b8e99e71f83b96e5870790"],"name":["Nicolas Williams"]}, {"sha":["7b6a018dff623a4f13f6bcd52c7c56d9b4a4165f"],"name":["Nicolas Williams"]}, {"sha":["a50e548cc5313c187483bc8fb1b95e1798e8ef65"],"name":["Nicolas Williams"]}, {"sha":["4b258f7d31b34ff5d45fba431169e7fd4c995283"],"name":["Nicolas Williams"]}, {"sha":["d1cb8ee0ad3ddf03a37394bfa899cfd3ddd007c5"],"name":["Nicolas Williams"]}]
Write mtcars
to a temporary file
writeLines(jsonlite::toJSON(mtcars, collapse = FALSE),
tmp <- tempfile())
Build a file iterator
it_f <- rivr::file_iterator(tmp)
it_j <- jq_iterator(it_f, '{cyl: ."cyl"}')
replicate(NROW(mtcars), it_j$yield())
#> [1] "{\"cyl\":6}" "{\"cyl\":6}" "{\"cyl\":4}" "{\"cyl\":6}" "{\"cyl\":8}"
#> [6] "{\"cyl\":6}" "{\"cyl\":8}" "{\"cyl\":4}" "{\"cyl\":4}" "{\"cyl\":6}"
#> [11] "{\"cyl\":6}" "{\"cyl\":8}" "{\"cyl\":8}" "{\"cyl\":8}" "{\"cyl\":8}"
#> [16] "{\"cyl\":8}" "{\"cyl\":8}" "{\"cyl\":4}" "{\"cyl\":4}" "{\"cyl\":4}"
#> [21] "{\"cyl\":4}" "{\"cyl\":8}" "{\"cyl\":8}" "{\"cyl\":8}" "{\"cyl\":8}"
#> [26] "{\"cyl\":4}" "{\"cyl\":4}" "{\"cyl\":4}" "{\"cyl\":8}" "{\"cyl\":6}"
#> [31] "{\"cyl\":8}" "{\"cyl\":4}"
the streaming bit is a work in progress
- Please report any issues or bugs.
- License: MIT
- Get citation information for
in R doingcitation(package = 'jqr')