Various scripts to easily set up a VIM development environment
It installs by default the following packages:
- vim-pathogen - runtime plugin installer
- ctrlp - full path fuzzy file, mru, buffer, tag.. finder
- gundo - visualize undo tree
- airline - light status/tabline
- nerdtree - filesystem explorer
Also supports installing OmniSharp support for C# development. More information can be found on my blog.
./ --csharp
to set up omnisharp-server version or
./ --csharp --roslyn
to set up omnisharp-roslyn version.
Caution: The script will overwrite the existing ~/.vimrc file (makes a backup of the existing file to /tmp/tmpvimfiles) and moves the contents of existing .vim/bundle also to /tmp/tmpvimfiles
The scripts are under continues development and will be improved over time.