wget "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/davidsiems/bitpacker/live/command/dist/bp.js" /bitpacks/bp.js; alias bp="run /bitpacks/bp.js";
bp browse // lists packages on the registry
bp add some-cool-package // adds some-cool-package
bp remove some-cool-package // removes some-cool-package
bp list // lists installed packages and their versions
bp install // makes /bitpacks reflect what's in the manifest (packages.txt)
bp cleanslate // uninstalls all packages and resets packages.txt
bp update-bp // updates bp to the latest available version
bp create /path/to/my-package my-package-name // initalizes /path/to/my-package with a new package named my-package-name
bp publish /path/to/my-package // publishes the package in /path/to/my-package to the registry
bp help // prints command usage to the console
bp man some-cool-package // prints out manual.txt associated with a some-cool-package (if it exists)
bp cleanslate
rm packages.txt; rm /bitpacks/bp.js;
@degaz on Discord
Bitpacker operates on a manifest called packages.txt that must be located in the root of the host you run it on. Bitpacker will create and manage this file by default, but you can also edit it by hand.
Packages are installed under /bitpacks and the list of packages and their versions is tracked in packages.txt.
Each time a package is published a new version of the package is created.
Bitpacker does not manage dependencies between packages and it's recommended that you avoid them.
Packages must include a package.txt file which you can edit to add additional metadata for your package. You may also may also include a manual.txt file which will be displayed to users when the bp man command is run.
When you create a package you'll end up with a package.txt file. This file contains metadata that describes your package. You should edit it with whatever information you feel is relevant.
"uniqueName": "some-package", // required - The name of your package (generally don't edit this)
"author": "your-name", // optional
"descriptiveName": "", // optional
"shortDescription": "", // required
"longDescription": "", // optional
"tags": [], // optional
"aliases": { // optional - bp will add/remove these automatically
"aliasName": "some-script-in-your-package.js"
"welcome": "A welcome message" // optional - bp will print this out on install