Android Library to make a cool intro for your app.
Watch YouTube video here.
##How to use Add this to your build.gradle:
repositories {
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.paolorotolo:appintro:3.1.0'
Create a new Activity that extends AppIntro:
public class MyIntro extends AppIntro {
// Please DO NOT override onCreate. Use init
public void init(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Add your slide's fragments here
// AppIntro will automatically generate the dots indicator and buttons.
// Instead of fragments, you can also use our default slide
// Just set a title, description, background and image. AppIntro will do the rest
addSlide(AppIntroFragment.newInstance(title, description, image, background_colour));
// Override bar/separator color
// Hide Skip/Done button
// Turn vibration on and set intensity
// NOTE: you will probably need to ask VIBRATE permesssion in Manifest
public void onSkipPressed() {
// Do something when users tap on Skip button.
public void onDonePressed() {
// Do something when users tap on Done button.
Please, DO NOT override onCreate. Just use init instead
If you want to try new layout (as seen in Google's Photo app), just extend AppIntro2 in your Activity. That's all :)
public class MyIntro extends AppIntro2 {
### Easy implementation of Slide Fragments As you can see, things have changed in AppIntro 3.0.0. Now it's so easy to add new slides to AppIntro.
For example: * Copy the class **SampleSlide** from my [example project]( * Add a new slide with ```addSlide(SampleSlide.newInstance(R.layout.your_slide_here));```
There's no need to create one class for fragment anymore. :)
No problem, just use this method and AppIntro will generate a new slide for you.
addSlide(AppIntroFragment.newInstance(title, description, image, background_colour));
AppIntro comes with a Fade animation, that you can activate with:
// Put this method in init()
If you want to create nice parallax effect or your custom animation, create your own PageTransformer and call:
// Put this method in init()
Click here to see how I did it in the example app.
See example code here on Github. You can also see it live downloading this app from Google Play.
- Numix Hermes;
- Audio Reminder Pro;
- Wizr Daily Quotes;
- Planets;
- Weather Delta;
- PDF Me;
- Circles;
- Task Master
- [Smoothie Recipes] (
If you are using AppIntro in your app and would like to be listed here, please let me know via email!
Do you need inspiration? A lot of apps are using AppIntro out there:
Hermes - Material IRC Client