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Note tasks and communication

Graydon Hoare edited this page Jan 6, 2012 · 2 revisions

Tasks and communication:

Current Status

Task creation and communication works. In master, all tasks are multiplexed onto a single thread and there is no preemption. The compiler may not be enforcing certain invariants though, such as only sending immutable data. Also, not all data types are supported for communication.

On, tasks are multiplexed onto multiple OS threads. The number of threads is controlled by the RUST_THREADS environment variable. All upcalls are currently serialized on the Big Scheduler Lock. Over time, we can hopefully relax some of this synchronization.



Tasks are the basic unit of isolation and concurrency in Rust. Tasks do not share memory and communicate only through message passing. By default, tasks are scheduled in an M:N fashion onto operating system threads. The normal mode of operation will be to launch one thread per logical core. The programmer, however, will have the option of assigning certain tasks to a dedicated thread or running the scheduler in 1:1 mode.

When a task is created, a task pointer is returned. This can be used to join a task or kill it. Tasks are implicitly associated with their parent task, and may therefore outlive the function call that spawned them.


Communication is accomplished using channels and ports. Each channel is associated with exactly one port, but a port can have many channels associated with it. Channels are the sending end and ports are used for receiving. Only data of a certain type can be sent over each channel and port.

In order to enforce the no shared mutable state rule, only immutable data can be sent over channels. Likewise, arguments to spawned tasks must also be immutable.


This section is currently proposed changes from the way things worked before. As of the first cut at M:N scheduling, domains now track multiple threads, instead of a single one. In many ways, the domain is doing what is normally done by a kernel. Thus, the proposal is to remove rust_domain and divide its responsibilities between rust_kernel and rust_task. The kernel will handle multiple tasks and threads, while tasks will handle things such as memory management.

Previously, intra-domain communication was the norm, and communication across domains (or threads) was a special case. Now that tasks migrate freely between threads, inter-thread communication is the norm. Therefore, for the time being, all communication should assume it is with another thread. In the future we might be able to optimize this, such as when a task is blocked on the current task and is about to be woken up by the current task.

While the whole scheduling and communication system can probably be done without locks, the next step is probably to use a more conservative version with locks. We'll have two main types of locks now: the kernel lock and the task lock. The kernel lock will be held when a task is performing kernel activities, and the task lock will be used for inter-thread communication.

Historical Design

This section describes more or less how the task and communication system worked in rustboot. Much has changed since then.

Originally, tasks were reference-counted and their lifetime was tied to a local variable. This caused counter-intuitive behavior. For example,

fn foo() {
    spawn bar();

would immediately kill the newly spawned task. Instead, the usual desired behavior would be written as follows.

fn foo() {
    let task t = spawn bar();

All of the communication and task primitives were originally core language syntax. Most of these are being moved into the standard library now. This provides more flexibility in many ways.


Overall, the runtime is made up of a rust_srv, which owns a rust_kernel, which owns one or more rust_domains, each of which own one or more rust_tasks. Domains corresponded to an operating system thread, and would schedule multiple tasks. Tasks could not migrate between domains. Because only one task would be running at a time in each domain, intra-domain communication happened through directly calling things such as rust_chan::send. For communication with tasks in other domains, rust_proxy objects are used. These queue messages in a lock-free style on the target domain's message queue, which processes the message at each iteration through the scheduler loop. The kernel's job was to coordinate inter-domain issues.

rust_srv is meant to provide an interface to the outside world. This currently includes memory allocation and logging. It seems like this might be a good candidate for deletion...

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