ℹ⚠ Important: this is a constantly updated document. For now it may not contain full documentation of project. It's better to see the sources directly. ⚠ℹ
Ragdoll Shooting is a 2d side-view game, where player is fighting against bot. Shoot and avoid enemy's bullets and kill the enemy to win. Also there are some bonuses in the game, which are useful.
The purpose of this project is show how things work:
- building system on varied components
- fighting (healh and damage) system
- ragdoll usage
- 2d gunfire based game
The core approach of scripting is using of small, loosely-coupled components to create complex logic. These components are responsible for only specific things (like health / shooting / jumping). And like a constructor, whole behavior (eg. of unit) can be built from these components.
All art created by me
- shooting
- jumps
- animation
- fight system (health + damage)
- player controller
- hitbox system
- exlosion & bomb
- healing & medical kit
- shield
- bullets
- UI system
- graphics
- effect system & fighting effects
- bonus spawner
- game management
- ragdoll balance
- readme documentation
- additional setup
- bones configs
- object pool
- mvp adapting
- import utilities from Profit package
Game scene hierarchy structure is splitted into 3 global sections:
- UI
- World
- Management
Here is a screenshot:
Inner structure:
- UI Camera
- Panels
- Game Panel - that is showing during the game
- Pause Panel - that is showing in pause
- Game Over Panel - that is showing after player wins / loses
It is responsible for checking game state and showing panels depending on it
Panels may have their own script on them (PausePanelUI, GameOverPanelUI), to update inner state.
In this hierarchy world objects are placed - units; environment; holders for spawnable objects.
Unit prefab has 2 variants - player and enemy. They both has many behavior components attached to them (according approach as stated before), which are defining the unit behavior. Below are the main ones.
The components look like this:
It is responsible for switching unit's state - solid or ragdoll. In solid state unit is staying, can jump and shoot. If unit dies - ragdoll state is enabling.
// ragdoll body // solid body
It allows fighter to shoot. It's referencing on Weapon base component, that make abstract shoot.
Component that allows fighter to jump. Here you can define max jumps count and jump speed
Base component for fight system. It implements IDamagable and IHealable interfaces
Allows to receive damage
Allows to apply heal
Contains ID of fighter (left or right) which allow to apply different settings
Component which is base for fighter controlling. Composing of Weaponer and Jumper components.
Inherits from FighterControllerBase. This component that responsible for controlling the fighter via keyboard. It's attached to Player prefab
Inherits from FighterControllerBase. This omponent that responsible for AI of bot. It's attached to Enemy prefab
The skeleton of each fighter consists of several bones. They are body, legs, and so on. Each of these bones has its own parameter, which is affected on it behavior. Beside of unity-special components, it containt Hit Receiver component
This component has HitboxID, and takes outer damage and force. If fact, it is just Adapter for damage, which throws events about it further. They are cathed by several handlers: DamageHandler, ForceHandler, HitEffector
Actually applies damage to health, calculating it based on hitbox settings
The same as DamageHandler, but for force
Actions during the game generate some effects: i.e. when bullet hit enemy, the blood particles appears, and the hit sound is playing. This is managed by effects
Base class for any effect. Contains single method void Play(T args)
. I.e deriving effects: ParticlesEffect, SoundEffect
Args for effect. I.e. position of particles effect
Behavior that is playing the effects. Inheritor classes should only determine when they need to use effects
Spawn bonuses in some point with some interval. It is uses BonusesFactory to create bonuses isntances.
Created product by id.
Checking both fighters' health, and listening them on Dead event. If it happens, event about game over is sent. Then, UIManager or other handlers can handle it
General manager, that is repsonsible for pause/unpause game, and restart it.
There is a custom editor for mapping settings. It is used in Hitbox mapping and Fighter mapping. It allows easy to setup config based on ID.