Few personal utilities functions written in python3 and hosted on PyPI such as open and read conf/ini files and some OS functions.
pip install ddcUtils
from ddcUtils import ConfFileUtils
cfu = ConfFileUtils()
File example - file.ini:
- Get all values from an .ini config file structure and returns them as a dictionary
- mixed_values will return all values as an object instead of dict
get_all_values(file_path: str, mixed_values: bool = False) -> dict
- Get all section values from an .ini config file structure and returns them as a dictionary
get_section_values(file_path: str, section: str) -> dict
- Get all section values from an .ini config file structure and returns them as a dictionary
- Get value from an .ini config file structure and returns it
get_value(file_path: str, section: str, config_name: str) -> str | int | None
- Get value from an .ini config file structure and returns it
- Set value from an .ini config file structure and returns True or False
set_value(file_path: str, section_name: str, config_name: str, new_value, commas: bool = False) -> bool
- Set value from an .ini config file structure and returns True or False
from ddcUtils import FileUtils
fu = FileUtils()
- Open the given file or directory in explorer or notepad and returns True for success or False for failed access
@staticmethod show(path: str) -> bool
- Open the given file or directory in explorer or notepad and returns True for success or False for failed access
- List all files in the given directory and returns them in a tuple sorted by creation time in ascending order
@staticmethod list_files(directory: str, starts_with: str | tuple[str, ...] | list[str] = None, ends_with: str | tuple[str, ...] | list[str] = None) -> tuple
- List all files in the given directory and returns them in a tuple sorted by creation time in ascending order
- Compress the given file and returns the Path for success or None if failed
@staticmethod gzip(input_file_path: str, output_dir: str = None) -> Path | None
- Compress the given file and returns the Path for success or None if failed
- Unzips the given file.zip and returns ZipFile for success or None if failed
@staticmethod unzip(file_path: str, out_path: str = None) -> ZipFile | None
- Unzips the given file.zip and returns ZipFile for success or None if failed
- Remove the given file or dir and returns True if it was successfully removed
@staticmethod remove(path: str) -> bool
- Remove the given file or dir and returns True if it was successfully removed
- Rename the given file and returns True if the file was successfully
@staticmethod rename(from_name: str, to_name: str) -> bool
- Rename the given file and returns True if the file was successfully
- Copy files from src to dst and returns True or False
@staticmethod copy_dir(src, dst, symlinks=False, ignore=None) -> bool
- Copy files from src to dst and returns True or False
- Download file from remote url to local and returns True or False
@staticmethod download_file(remote_file_url, local_file_path) -> bool
- Download file from remote url to local and returns True or False
- Returns the binary type of the given windows EXE file
@staticmethod get_exe_binary_type(file_path: str) -> str | None
- Returns the binary type of the given windows EXE file
- Check if a file or directory is older than the specified number of days
@staticmethod is_older_than_x_days(path: str, days: int) -> bool
- Check if a file or directory is older than the specified number of days
- Copy a file to another location
@staticmethod copy(src_path, dst_path)
- Copy a file to another location
- This class is used for creating a simple class object
from ddcUtils import Object
obj = Object()
obj.test = "test"
from ddcUtils import MiscUtils
mu = MiscUtils()
- Clears the terminal screen
@staticmethod clear_screen() -> None
- Clears the terminal screen
- This function will ask the user to select an option
@staticmethod user_choice() -> input
- This function will ask the user to select an option
- Returns the name of the active branch if found, else returns None
@staticmethod get_active_branch_name(git_dir: str = ".git") -> str | None:
- Returns the name of the active branch if found, else returns None
- Returns the current date and time on UTC timezone
@staticmethod get_current_date_time() -> datetime
- Returns the current date and time on UTC timezone
- Converts a datetime object to a long string
- returns: "Mon Jan 01 2024 21:43:04"
@staticmethod convert_datetime_to_str_long(date: datetime) -> str
- Converts a datetime object to a short string
- returns: "2024-01-01 00:00:00.000000"
@staticmethod convert_datetime_to_str_short(date: datetime) -> str
- Converts a str to a datetime
- input: "2024-01-01 00:00:00.000000"
@staticmethod convert_str_to_datetime_short(datetime_str: str) -> datetime
- Returns the current date and time as string
- returns: "Mon Jan 01 2024 21:47:00"
get_current_date_time_str_long() -> str
from ddcUtils import OsUtils
ou = OsUtils()
- Get OS name
@staticmethod get_os_name() -> str
- Get OS name
- Check if OS is Windows
@staticmethod is_windows() -> bool
- Check if OS is Windows
- Returns the current working directory
@staticmethod get_current_path() -> Path
- Returns the current working directory
- Returns the pictures directory inside the user's home directory
get_pictures_path() -> Path
- Returns the pictures directory inside the user's home directory
- Returns the download directory inside the user's home directory
get_downloads_path() -> Path
- Returns the download directory inside the user's home directory
poetry build
poetry run coverage run -m pytest -v
poetry run coverage report
Released under the MIT License