Adapted from:
- Install ROS:
- Run the following commands:
- cmake .
- make
- Change the base path in launch/image_blender_params.yaml (Optional: you can also change the parameters)
- Go to src/image_blender.cpp:
- If you do not want artificial lighting, comment lines 136 to 144
- If you do not want some kind of artificial dirt, comment 131, 132 or 133
- Run the tool with the following commands:
- source devel/setup.bash
- roslaunch ipa_dirt_detection_dataset_tools image_blender.launch
- The folder "test_tool" is an example for this base path that you can use, and it already has the required samples to run
- Considering you use this folder, the results are stored on test_tool/blended_floor_images/
- I provide some scripts to verify the annotations and to convert from YOLO format to binary masks (test_tool/blended_floor_images/