Assignment from my Master's module "Information Retrieval and Web Search" where I index the Cranfield Collection and evaluate different performance metrics with trec eval.
Install and make trec_eval
First navigate to the assignment-1/ directory. There is a file that will build and execute the program which will print out the trec eval results afterwards.
This will have the effect of installing all prerequisite packages e.g. lucene 8.6.2
mvn package
java -jar target/assignment-1-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar <analyzer> <similarity>
analyzer: standard
, or whitespace
similarity: 'vsm
' with bm25
java -jar target/assignment-1-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar standard vsm
trec_eval -m runid -m map -m gm_map -m P.5 ../corpus/QRelsCorrectedforTRECeval results/StandardAnalyzerVSM.test
We can replace the .test file with others from results/ directory
- cran.all - The documents
- cran.qry - The queries
- QRelsCorrectedforTRECeval - The relevance assesments (adjusted)