Glass is a tool for listing files in a folder.
It is bundled in Docker so that way you can deploy it easily. It will serve on /data on port 8000.
Just run in the folder you want to serve:
docker run --rm -v $PWD:/data -p 8000:8000 decima/glass:1.2
For more convenience you can use docker-compose :
version: "3.7"
image: decima/glass:1.2
- ./:/data
- 8000:8000
- golang 16+
- yarn
First install project using yarn:
Because for now the project is not well set up, you'll need to do this trick in order to develop.
yarn build && go run .
You can go on http://localhost:8000 and check the page. If you use a class that was not used, you'll need to restart the command. I know it's some kind of pain, but it will be fixed in next releases.