Manage a collection of short Python code snippets, all tested & validated, easy to contribute to, and simple to reuse.
More to come...
People like to collect things and developers are no exception. They accumulate software artefacts and use them to create new ones which they usually will happily pass on.
On a low level these are often snippets of code they found useful and feel like they could be helpful for others, too, sometimes for their future self. The pattern behind this process are often very informal, and you can find online many more or less useful and more or less organized such collections.
This project aims to make this kind of exchange more valuable and productive by adding only a tiny bit of organizational rigor. The result should be a system that allows to collect, validate, test, search, reuse and share such snippets with very little constraints placed on them.
pip install pyteen
More to come...
More to come...
Contributions are very welcome! You are encouraged to contribute to the snippet collection inside this repository or to the code managing it. You can also help by raising bug reports as GitHub issues, but please consider solving them first and submit a PR, instead! ;)
More to come...