Our datasets include top voted 100 StackOverflow question posts included with their answer posts collected from 6 months period between 2011-2015. The data is obtained from StackExchange API and will be stored as JSON.
To generate the files:
- Uncomment
at line 207 offilter.py
, and runspython filter.py
to generate JSON files of SO posts with Java tag. - Uncomment
at line 204 offilter.py
, and runspython filter.py
to generate JSON files of SO posts without any tags.
To view the generated JSON file in a human-readable format, open index.html
. Then, open the developer console and call one of the following methods:
to display the raw JSON data. Replacepath_to_post_json
with either:
to display top voted 100 question posts with answers that are tagged with Java and replaceindex
with a number from 0-9.path_name_notag[index]
to display any top voted 100 question posts with answers and replaceindex
with a number from 0-9.
to display the extracted API mention for ground truth. Replacepath_to_api_mention_json
and replaceindex
with a number from 0-9.
Todo @pciang, @stefan0010
- clean JSON data
- summary statistics