Docker image for building PDF (LaTeX) documentation with Sphinx 5/6.
docker pull delameter/python-texlive:3.8-2020
Based on python:3.8-slim. Includes:
- texlive-latex-recommended
- texlive-fonts-recommended
- texlive-latex-extra
- latexmk
- cm-super
- graphviz
- lpr
Note that Sphinx is not included as it usually gets installed in the next stage together with all the other python requirements.
docker pull delameter/python-texlive:3.10-2022
Similar to previous one, but based on newer image and with updated dependencies.
docker pull delameter/python-texlive:3.10-2022-extra
Extension of the previous one, the difference is the presence of texlive-fonts-extra package, which is required e.g. for rendering Font Awesome icons in PDF Sphinx documentation.