A Python3.10+ library that wraps cattrs for a modular approach to constructing objects with the ability to string data through the process.
Install from pypi:
> python -m pip install strcs
Documentation at https://strcs.readthedocs.io/
import typing as tp
import attrs
import strcs
reg = strcs.CreateRegister()
creator = reg.make_decorator()
Number = tp.NewType("Number", int)
Word = tp.NewType("Word", str)
class Maths(strcs.MetaAnnotation):
multiply: int
def calculate(self, val: int) -> Number:
return Number(val * self.multiply)
class Thing:
class Config:
thing: tp.Annotated[Thing, strcs.FromMeta("thing")]
words: list[Word]
some_number: tp.Annotated[Number, Maths(multiply=2)]
contrived1: str
contrived2: str
some_other_number: int = 16
def create_number(val: object, /, annotation: Maths) -> strcs.ConvertResponse[Number]:
if not isinstance(val, int):
return None
return annotation.calculate(val)
def create_word(val: object, /, word_prefix: str = "") -> strcs.ConvertResponse[Word]:
if not isinstance(val, str):
return None
return Word(f"{word_prefix}{val}")
def create_config(val: object, /) -> strcs.ConvertResponse[Config]:
if not isinstance(val, dict):
return None
result = dict(val)
if "contrived" in result:
contrived = result.pop("contrived")
result["contrived1"], result["contrived2"] = contrived.split("_")
return result
thing = Thing()
meta = strcs.Meta({"thing": thing, "word_prefix": "the_prefix__"})
config = reg.create(
{"words": ["one", "two"], "some_number": 20, "contrived": "stephen_bob"},
assert isinstance(config, Config)
assert config.thing is thing
assert config.words == ["the_prefix__one", "the_prefix__two"]
assert config.some_number == 40
assert config.some_other_number == 16
assert config.contrived1 == "stephen"
assert config.contrived2 == "bob"
To have a virtualenv that has everything needed in it:
> source run.sh activate
To run tests, linting, formatting, type checking:
> ./test.sh > ./lint > ./format > ./types